chapter 1

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Tokyo, Shibuya, May 5th 1994 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, May 5th 1994 :

"Please look after my daughter."

You're watching your mother converse with a friend of hers. You're not really sure what's going on, you're only 4 years old after all. Your gaze shifts to your mom's friend, 'she's pretty'. Her obsidian eyes look exactly like the eyes of the small boy sitting next to her. You make eye contact with the boy and maintain it until the woman's voice catches your attention.

"I can't look after her all the time, M/n."

"I know you can't, but will you please look after her when we're on a business trip. We couldn't find a good babysitter and I trust you the most. Please?"

You hear the pretty woman sigh and you hold your mother's hand, she smiles at you. It's reassuring.

"Alright, I'll look after her. But I can't be with her all the time, I have things to do too."

"Thank you, Sakurako."

Your mother strokes your head and looks at you lovingly, you can't help but smile at her. She keeps stroking your head as she looks back at Sakurako, still holding that warm smile on her face.

"I promise that we won't leave her with you for long, it'll be one business trip of two to three days a week. And I'll give you some money for food and other things."

A smiles spreads across the black haired woman's face, it makes her look even more beautiful.

"It's alright M/n, I know you're busy."

The sound of your mom standing up breaks the trance of Sakurako's smile. You also stand up, still holding onto your mother's hand.

"Then, I'll leave her to you."

"I'll take good care of her, I promise."

Crouching down, your mother cups your face with her hands and gently kisses your forehead. The smile on her face doesn't look as reassuring as it usually does, and her kiss feels like a goodbye.


"I'm leaving for a bit, sweetie. I'll come back in three days, okay?"


"Yes, you'll be staying with Sakurako."

Tears well up in your eyes as you cling onto your mother, you don't want her to leave.


"It's okay, don't cry. I'll come back, I promise. It's just a few days. You'll be brave, right?"

The sound of your crying fills the room, your grip on your mother tightens as your tears stain her shirt.

"Why can't you stay here?"

"Because I have to work, to make money and to buy you lots of nice things."

"Nice things?"

"Yes, nice things."

"Like a doll?"

Her smiles turns sweet again as she chuckles a little, now stroking your cheek.

"I'll bring you a doll. A really pretty one."

"Like a princess?"

"Like a princess."

Your sniffles become quieter and you dry your tears, excited at the thought of getting a doll. Soft lips press another kiss on you forehead and your mom says goodbye.

The sounds of the front door closing saddens you, tears form in your eyes once again as you get the urge to run after her.

Sakurako looks at the little girl her friend left with her and decides to approach her. Unfortunately, her son beat her to it.

Curiosity got to him and he ran to the sniffling girl, vigorously tapping her shoulder with a smiling face.

"Hah! You look like a carp!"

The words hit you like a train, your face was all red and puffy from crying. His comment didn't make your mood any better, not at all. You feel the tears falling down your cheeks once more and it doesn't take long for sobs to escape from your lips again. The boy's smile falters and his expression changes to a more nervous and worried one, he didn't mean to make you cry again.

"Wait, don't cry... please?"

He sloppily tries to wipe your tears, you stare at him and sniffle. Your eyes all puffy again.

"I don't look like a carp."

"Okay then."

Her sobs die out and her tears dry. Sakurako lets out a sigh of relief. 'Why would you say that, Manjiro?!'

His soft hands wipe the tears off of your cheeks, 'It feels nice...' You move your head, causing Manjiro's hands to stop. Wiping your own tears now, you can still feel Manjiro stare at you.

Your tears have dried and your face finally doesn't look like a carp anymore. You can hear Sakurako's approaching footsteps...

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