chapter 17

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 6th 2005 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 6th 2005 :

"Can you move a bit?" Draken's voice snapped you out of your daze. You looked up from your lap and smiled at him as you moved to the left.

"Sure Kenchin"

You and Mikey were having your weekly 'dinner date' today. You'd go to Mikey's favorite small diner and have dinner or lunch there, you also ended up sleeping at his place a lot afterwards.

Draken sat next to you, his legs spread and his body completely slumped on the comfortable bench.

Your food was finished already, and you were now waiting for Mikey to finish his. Draken and you both stared at him, watching his every move as he eats. It made him nervous which in return made him eat faster too.

The sun was making you drowsy. You leaned over to rest your elbows on the table as you rubbed your eyes with your palms.

You lifted your face to see that Mikey finally finished eating.

"Finally done Manjiro?" Your face displayed your signature sweet smile, it made Mikey and Draken's hearts skip a beat.

"Yes, let's get some dorayaki now." He pushed his plate forward and also slumped down on the bench, just like Draken had done before him.

"Didn't we have to go somewhere?" Your voice got curious as you tilted your head a little, the sweet smile dissapearing.

"It can wait, right Kenchin?" Mikey grinned at his friend, who groaned in responce.

"Yeah yeah, just hurry up."

You left the diner and headed to the grocery store to buy Mikey's dorayaki. The store was quiet and empty, so it didn't take long to get Mikey's dorayaki. You even decided to buy some packets of instant noodles and your favourite candy.

"Where are we going?" Your gaze turned to Draken, who looked at Mikey before speaking.

"Kiyomasa is organising a fighting ring, it's ruining toman's reputation."


It didn't seem important enough for Mikey to personally go and stop it. But he was a bit bored today, even if you were with him. He also hasn't had a fight in a while and didn't want his skills to become rusty.

Mikey glanced at you when you spoke, he then looked back into the plastic bag in his hands. He still had two dorayaki left. He reached in his bag and grabbed a dorayaki. He poked your side to grab your attention.

You shrieked as you felt Mikey poke your side, he doesn't understand that it feels really weird.

"Mikey!" Your face got a bit red as you yelled his name in frustration. He made you shriek, again, and on the street too. He just doesn't understand how embarrassing that is.

His laughter filled your ears, and you could hear Draken join in too. Both of them laughing at you.

"Sorry n/n, I just wanted to give you some dorayaki." He was still laughing and grinning like an idiot as he said that.

There was no way you'd believe that Mikey was actually sorry.

You let out a sigh and took the dorayaki he gave you. You couldn't stay mad at him anyways.

"Yeah yeah, thanks"

Your friends looked at you as you took the first bite, still a bit grumpy from their teasing. Draken smiled and looked away. Mikey kept looking at you, which caused him to bump into multiple people. He didn't even apologise, Draken did that for him.

"Are we there yet?"


"Want me to carry you on my back?"

"Yeah, thanks Kenchin."

You stopped walking and turned to Draken, who crouched down. You got on his back and wrapped your arms around his neck, making sure not to choke him.

A light blush colored Draken's cheeks pink. It's not like he got a chance to carry you like this every day. He smiled and made sure not to drop you, his grip tight but comfortable.

Mikey watched you, he didn't like other guys touching you. Even if it was his best friend, he still felt pissed, and jealous too. He also wanted to offer his back to you, he wanted to hold you too, to touch you, to feel your warmth on his back. He tried to ignore his aching heart by looking away.

Your chin rests on Draken's shoulder as you yawn. Just like before, the sun and bright sky made you drowsy. You closed you eyes and turned your face comfortably.

The soft breaths on his neck made Draken ticklish. 'Did she fall asleep?'

He had to uncomfortably turn his head to look at your face.

Your eyes were closed, your mouth slightly agape and your hair messy from the occasional wind. It made his heart flutter, you looked so cute to him. He had to bite the inside of his cheek to force himself to look forward, to not be distracted, and to not uncontrollably blush.

When his gaze turned, he quickly noticed that you had arrived at the fighting ring. You could already hear the shouts and punches.

You were never asleep, just resting your eyes for a bit. They opened when you heard yelling though. Your gaze turned away from the source to Mikey, who was munching on his last dorayaki.

His eyes met yours and he smiled whilst chewing. The smile was returned by your stare, and a gently smile. Your gaze turned to Draken, who was also staring at you.

The difference between them was very noticable all of a sudden.

Draken looked cool and dangerous even, his height and tattoo greatly influenced the last part. His way of speaking matched that of a delinquent, his clothes and demeanor did too. He was one of the sweetest guys you know though, that may be the only thing about him that doesn't fit a delinquent.

But Mikey? He wasn't that tall, and his muscles were concealed by his clothes. He dressed like a delinquent but his expressions didn't match, his way of speaking to you didn't either, it's too childish. You couldn't help but think he looked nothing like a delinquent, he's too cute.

A soft giggle escaped your lips as you think about it.

Draken interrupted your thoughts when he put you down though.

"We're here y/n"

You looked back at the fighting ring as you walked in that direction.

"It's there right?"

Two arms wrapped around your waist as you got pulled backwards by Mikey, who rested his chin on your shoulder.

"You're staying here, it might be too gruesome for you."

A/n : Late update, I know, I'm sorry.

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