chapter 13

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Tokyo, Shibuya, March 28th 1995 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, March 28th 1995 :

Once again, you were staying at the Sano residence. The television got boring so Mikey and you decided to play a game. The afternoon was quiet and boring, you couldn't help but feel awfully drowsy.

Mikey's concentrated hums and the tapping of pieces on the board was the only sound echoing through the living room. The both of you had settled on the ground, the boardgame in the middle. You almost dozed off a few times but Mikey was happy enough to shake you awake each and every time.

The doorbell rang when it was your turn, you dropped the dice in surprise. Mikey's attention went to the dropped dice, yours went to the door. His expression turned into a pout when he saw you roll a high number.

Your gaze was on Shinichiro who hurried to open the door. He looked happy, 'it must be a friend'.

Mikey's eyes followed yours just as he was about to speak. His words didn't leave his mouth as he saw you not paying attention.

It didn't take long for Shinichiro to come back to the living room, the friend you met during Halloween walking right besides him. You could also make out two smaller figures behind them, they seemed about your age.

You couldn't help but curiously glance at them. Your head turns so you could see Mikey do the same before you locked eyes.

Mikey had heard of Shinichiro's friend having siblings but he'd never seen them before. Based on their similar appearance, he figured they were Takeomi's siblings.

"I think they're his siblings." Mikey's eyes scanned over you, making sure to not miss a single detail. His focus was on reassuring you, his voice soft and calmer than normal. Your curious eyes got mistaken for scared ones.

You softly hum in agreement, your eyes once again focused on the siblings. Your curiousity wouldn't be soothed till you met them.

A tug on you hair made you head turn.

Mikey's face was right in front of yours, it was a bit weird but you managed to smile at him. He stared at you for a bit before looking away and creating some distance between you two, his cheeks slightly red.

"Mikey, Y/n, these are Takeomi's siblings. Be nice, okay? Especially you Mikey." Shinichiro shot a threatening glare at Mikey as he said the last part. You didn't know why he said that though, Mikey was always nice.

Or at least around you he was.

You simply nod and continue the board game, it was your turn anyways. Mikey didn't immediately focus on you, and gave Shinichiro a nonchalant look first.

Shinichiro and Takeomi settled themselves on the couch, watching tv and laughing and talking and doing whatever teenage boys do. The two light haired kids shuffled closer to you and Mikey. They looked nervous, and they had every right to be.

It took a while before they spoke up.

"Can we sit with you?"

Both you and Mikey's head shot up to look at the boy who just spoke. He looked even more nervous when you looked at him, he even shuffled back a little. 'Maybe he's shy?'

Unlike you, Mikey didn't have a kind gaze. He was almost glaring at the kids, he didn't like them interrupting his time with you.

This was exactly why the kids looked nervous, and why Shinichiro said that.

You were too busy glancing at the kids to notice. Your lips curled up into a smile and you happily invited them to play with you.

They hesitated before sitting down. Both of them sitting close to you, trying to sit as far as possible from Mikey.

Mikey and you removed the pawns to start a new game. You also tried to get to know them better. They looked nice and pretty. You definitely wanted to befriend them.

"What's your name?" The boy spoke up again. You weren't expecting him to talk first. But it seems that he wanted to befriend you even more than you wanted to befriend him.

"I'm Y/n, and that's Manjiro. He prefers to be called Mikey though."


Mikey was pouting, he was in a bad mood. You didn't mind his pout and focused on the siblings instead. Mikey did this a lot anyways, when Baji came or when someone else wanted to play with you.

"I'm Haruchiyo... that's Senju, she's my little sister." Senju smiled and greeted you when she was introduced, you thought she looked really cute.

The introductions were rudely interrupted by Mikey when he finished clearing the boardgame. It was time to start playing. Following age, you let Senju begin since she's the youngest. Another thing Mikey didn't like. He liked letting you start first, he thinks it makes him look cool and mature.

All previous tension quickly disappeared whilst playing the game. Even Mikey's bad mood disappeared. He started talking with Haruchiyo, and they found out they had a lot in common.

The game lasted for a while and Haruchiyo ended up winning. You wanted to play again, but Mikey was against it. He was a bit grumpy again because he didn't win.

The sun had already set when Mikey's mother and Emma returned home from their trip. The first thing Sakurako did was scolding Shinichiro for letting you and Mikey stay up this late. She also send Takeomi and his siblings home.

You gave both of them a hug before they left. You also gave Emma a hug since you hadn't seen her all day. After that, Mikey pulled you with him to get ready for bed.

But before Mikey crawled into his bed, he demanded a hug from you. He had withstood you "ignoring" him and playing with other people.

That deserves a hug, right?

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