chapter 8

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For some reason, neither of you got scolded

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For some reason, neither of you got scolded.

When Sakurako found the drawings on the wall she thought it was cute. 'It'll be nostalgic when you're older', she said. You didn't get it, and Manjiro didn't either, based on the confused look he gave you.

The evening fell rather quickly and you were watching television with Mikey and Shinichiro. It's late and you actually had to go to bed. Emma was already asleep, she's only 3 years old after all.

Manjiro was sitting next to you on the couch. He was playing with your hair as you watched tv, it kind of hurt but you didn't want him to stop. You've always liked the feeling of someone playing with your hair. Your mother also does it sometimes, when you put your head on her lap she runs her fingers through your hair and it feels amazing.

But actually, Mikey was making small braids in your hair. Emma had recently teached him how to do it and he wanted to show off to you. So everytime he made a braid he'd look at you with excited eyes and call your name till you look and praise him. You didn't mind but it got a little annoying at the 17th braid, you don't want to hurt his feelings so you keep quiet.

Shinichiro sat in the corner of the couch and he was texting someone, he looked serious and he was quiet so you didn't really pay any attention to him. You could occasionally see him glance at the tv.

You tried to hide it but you were getting really tired, you could tell Manjiro got tired too because he stopped braiding. He was now sitting down next to you and yawning, his eyes slowly closed and then he'd quickly snap them open again.

You weren't doing any better yourself, your eyes closed and you'd doze off for a while before snapping back awake.

Sleep eventually got the better of you and it didn't take long for you to be in a deep slumber, Manjiro followed soon after.

Shinichiro had lost track of time while texting his friend. When he finally checked the time it was already 11 pm, way past bedtime. His eyes immediately dart towards you and Manjiro on the couch. A soft chuckle escapes his mouth.

You and Manjiro were fast asleep, his head resting on yours as your bodies support eachother. it was an adorable sight.

He couldn't resist taking a picture before he carried both of you upstairs, being careful not to wake you up. He quickly noticed that he forgot to set up the folding bed for you. It would be too much of a bother to install it at this late hour so he just tucked you into bed with Mikey. Smiling at the sweet sight of you and Mikey resting together, he gently closes the door.

It didn't take long before you and Mikey were all snuggled up together, his arms wrapped around you and your hands gently holding onto the hem of his shirt.

Morning came rather soon and Mikey was the first to wake up. The first thing he laid eyes on was you, his cheeks immediately turned red at the sight. You were peacefully sleeping next to him, your hands tightly holding onto him. He turned towards you and gently hugged you again, keeping you warm and comfortable.

You woke up in his arms soon after, it really was warm and comfortable. You hugged him close to you as you yawned, and he happily let you.

It was the first time you slept in the same bed as Mikey and you found it surprisingly comfortable. But even if it was comfortable, it was time to wake up and get out of bed.

Your hands let go of him and you sat up before getting out of the bed. Mikey followed you downstairs where you were greeted by Emma, who seemed very excited to see you. She sat next to you during breakfast and chattered through the whole meal. Only half of what she told you was actually heard, you had just woken up after all.

"Y/n, play tag with me after breakfast" Mikey's demanding voice made Emma stop chattering. She frown and pouts as she now pays attention to Mikey.

"No! She's going to have a tea party with me."

"No she isn't!"

"Yes she is!"

Mikey held onto your arm as he pulled you closer to him. "She's going to play tag with me!"

You were able to avoid Emma's hand reaching to grab your other arm, this made her pout even more. You could even see some tears in her eyes.

"Let's all play together! We'll play tag first and then we'll have a tea party." you didn't want to upset either of them so you tried to mediate.

Fortunately, it worked. You had a great time playing tag in the morning and having a tea party in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, Emma always whined when she was the tagger and Mikey couldn't stop complaining at the tea party.

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