chapter 2

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A light tap on your shoulder was enough to catch your attention, you look up to see Sakurako's beautiful smiling face

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A light tap on your shoulder was enough to catch your attention, you look up to see Sakurako's beautiful smiling face. Her hand gently touches your head when she runs her fingers through your hair, it felt nice. It was almost as if she were your mother, it made a sense of relief wash over you. These people weren't scary, they were warm and kind. You couldn't help but smile back at her, the three days waiting suddenly didn't feel so long anymore.

"C'mon, let's go see your room alright?"

You nod and follow her, when you look behind your shoulder you can see Manjiro walking after you and his mother. His eyes are focused on you, his gaze not faltering in the slightest, even when he notices you looking at him. Looking at Manjiro made you lose focus on the stairs which causes you to miss a step and stumble. Blushing a bit in embarrassment, your head turns to watch your steps. You didn't trip completely, but you definitely stumbled and that's embarrassing enough. The soft chuckle that Manjiro let out didn't help you with the embarrassment either.

Their house looked cozy and comfortable, you could tell that people lived here. The hallway wasn't that long and you could count five doors, two on the right and two on the left the last door could be seen at the end of the hallway. Sakurako opens the second door on the right and looks back at you.

"You'll stay here, I'll have Shinichiro help you with your bed."


Your gratitude is interrupted by Manjiro's shocked voice. His eyes are wide open and you can even see a slight blush on his face.

"But that's my room!"


"Why is she sleeping in my room?"

"Don't you think she'll be more comfortable sleeping in the same room as someone her age?Besides, she'll be staying here at least two days a week for a while so you should try to get along."

Manjiro mumbled something you couldn't completely comprehend but it didn't seem like a complaint. A warm hand enveloping yours was enough to startle you out of your daze. You look down to see Manjiro's hand holding yours, 'so warm... it's like a small fire.' He pulls you inside his room with him and glares at his chuckling mother when he closes the door.

He looks around his room before his gaze lands on you, his eyes meeting yours. He looks serious, maybe even a little worried.

"Do you really want to sleep in my room?"



"yes, really."

"let's ask Shinichiro to set up the bed then."

Manjiro opens the door and walks outside of his room once again, dragging you along. You squeeze his hand a bit when he drags you around the house, this made him realise that he was still holding your hand. An embarrassed expression can be seen on his flustered face, he immediately lets go of your hand and mutters an apology as you both make your way to Shinichiro.

Shinichiro was outside, messing around with a motorcycle. You follow Manjiro as he approaches him and taps Shinichiro on his shoulder. You stand behind Manjiro, almost hiding behind him as you peek over his shoulder at Shinichiro.

"Shinichiro, mom said you have to help us set up the bed."


Peeking over Manjiro's shoulder, you accidentally make eye contact with Shinichiro.

"Who's that?"



"She's y/n"

30 seconds pass and Shinichiro finally breaks your eye contact by turning his head. He's smiling, his smile resembles Sakurako's smile. It's just as beautiful as hers. Shinichiro stands up and approaches you and Manjiro, his smiling expression never faltering. He crouches down before you and looks at you again.

"Hi, I'm Shinichiro."

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