chapter 10

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Your eyes are wide open, your gaze directed at Mikey

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Your eyes are wide open, your gaze directed at Mikey. The shock and pain you had just experienced was clearly visible on your face. But for some reason, Mikey looked more hurt than you.

His hands were shaking as he looked down at you. He knew he hurt you, and it made him feel horrible. Just the thought of you being hurt made him feel bad. But him being the one that hurt you had never crossed his mind. He wanted to break the hands he hurt you with. 

The pain of your fall only reached you after the shock had left your body. Tears formed in your eyes and you started sobbing. Your cries were enough to scare Mikey away, you could only watch his back as he ran.

Your crying was noticed by Shinichiro who rushed towards you with a worried expression. He lifted you from the floor and put you on your feet, gently patting the dirt off your clothes.

"What happened?" He brushed your hair back so he could wipe your tears. His voice was filled with worry and genuine concern, you could even hear a slight tinge of anger. 

Shinichiro was anxious that some kid from the dojo had ran into you and pushed you in a fit of rage. He knew some of the kids that trained in the dojo and not all of them were as kind hearted as his brother or Baji. 

It took some time before you answered his question, your throat hoarse from crying. 

"Manjiro pushed me." You sniff and rub your teary eyes, saying it made you feel even worse.

A sigh escaped Shinichiro's mouth as he picked you up and carried you to the couch. 

He relaxed a bit, he was glad that it wasn't a kid from the dojo that pushed you. He could always force Mikey to apologize, not that he had to. Shinichiro knew that Mikey favores you, and that he would never intentionally harm you. So getting him to apologize or make it up to you wouldn't be hard.

You were gently placed down on the couch and Shinichiro sat next to you. He comforted you and stayed with you till your tears dried. You could see Shinichiro hold back his laughter when you told him the full story, he thought it was too childisch to even be considered a fight. 

Shinichiro told you to go to Mikey's room so you could solve the problem. He also told you that Mikey didn't mean to push you and that he was probably feeling very bad.

You were standing in front of Mikey's door, you were a bit anxious to enter. Shinichiro may have reassured you but it's still a bit scary. But you couldn't just leave it like this, just thinking about the hurt expression his face showed earlier made you feel sad.

Mikey was in his room, lying on his bed. His sorrow was eating him up from the inside, he was scared and mad at the same time. Scared that you would hate and fear him, and mad at himself that he harmed you. Tears unconsiously rolled down his cheeks but he was fast to wipe them. You were so precious to him, he couldn't help crying when thinking about what he did.

The door of his room opened to reveal you, you didn't knock since he might tell you to leave. Mikey immediately sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. He tried to hold a serious and slightly mad face so he wouldn't seem weak to you.

You bit your bottom lip as you stood in the doorway, you were still holding onto the door handle because you were nervous. 

You didn't notice but Mikey's hands were trembling, he was just as nervous as you were. 

"Uhm... Manjiro? I'm sorry for getting mad at you."

Mikey was surprised by what you said, he didn't expect you to apologize and definitely not before he did. His eyes became teary again, he was so relieved that you didn't seem to hate him. He ran towards you so he could hug you, not minding the tears that stained his cheeks.

"I'm sorry for pushing you, I won't do it again! I promise!" His voice was hoarse but soft, you almost couldn't hear it because he said it so quietly.

You smiled and sniffled a little, you were relieved that the fight was over. You tightly embraced him and felt his wet tears on your shoulder. 

Your hug lasted a long time, neither of you wanted to let go. But Mikey held on the longest, he didn't want to let go of you. He was enjoying how close you were to him and wouldn't ever give up on that feeling of comfort. 

His eyes were closed but his thoughts were raging like a storm. The image of you fearing and hating him was still present in his mind, and it scared him. He wouldn't ever let that happen, he wouldn't be able to bear the weight of your hatred. It would ruin him.

'I will never let anyone hurt you again Y/n, not even me'

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