chapter 14

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 30th July 1999 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 30th July 1999 :

"Y/n! Look what I got from Shinichiro!" Mikey ran towards you, Baji and Haruchiyo following behind him.

"Hm? What is it?" You didn't even glance at him, you were too focused on your coloring book. Your grandmother had bought one recently that she didn't use so she gave it to you. It was a coloring book for adults. It was the first 'adult' thing you got so you were very serious about completing it.

"You're not looking!"

Your head slowly turns to face him, your eyes following. Mikey was crouching down next to you and almost shoving some kind of tiny plane into your face.

"It's a concorde plastic model, Shinichiro made it for me! Cool right? Right?" You stare at him first, his excited face makes you a bit curious. The curiousity soon disappears when you see what he's talking about though.

"I'll let you touch it if you ask nicely." Mikey grins, he was confident you'd ask since Baji and Haruchiyo went crazy about it. You could even hear them complain that Mikey's playing favorites.

"Don't wanna, it's just a plane... Cool that Shinichiro made it though." You turned back to your coloring book, unable to see the shocked look on their faces. Mikey seemed a bit disappointed too, his cheeks even puffed up a bit.

You finally looked back at him when you noticed he was a bit too quiet.

"Alright... Can i please hold your super awesome new plastic concorde model?" You look at him with the best puppy eyes you could manage.

You didn't really want to hold or touch it, but you felt happy when Mikey smiled and agreed. He sat down on your left and showed you how to hold it properly so you wouldn't accidentally drop or break it.

Baji and Haruchiyo went to sit on your right, their full attention on the plastic model. Senji was already sitting in front of you, she was helping you with the coloring book. Of course, she was now also focusing on Mikey. It seems that you were the only one who thought of it as just a plastic plane.

Fifteen minutes went by and Mikey still wasn't done, he was just showing off at this point.

"Manjiro, I get it. I swear I won't drop it." Your voice was a bit annoyed, you didn't like the fact that this was taking so long.

"Okay but be careful..." He handed you the model, his gaze never leaving it. You carefully took the plane, it seemed to mean a lot to Mikey so your grip was extra soft. The plastic thing wasn't all that special but you could see that it was made with care.

Not even a minute passed and you already gave it back. A big smile on your face as you told Mikey that it was kinda cool. He grins in response and leaves you again, running around the house playing with the model.

You went back to drawing after he left. Senju stayed with you for a bit before also running off to follow Mikey, just like her brother and Baji.

You almost finished the first page of the coloring book when Shinichiro called you, saying that your parents had arrived. Your hands quickly moved to close the coloring book and pack your colored pencils.

Shinchiro grabbed your bag before picking you up from the floor. He put you down on your own feet and you could see Takeomi getting off the couch too.

Mikey noticed you walking outside and the bag Shinichiro was holding confirmed your departure. He went to safely store his model plane as you said goodbye to Baji and Takeomi's siblings.

It took a while for mikey to return and Shinichiro got impatient, your mother was waiting for you after all. He yelled for Mikey to hurry and you could see Mikey rush down the stairs with a big grin on his face soon after.

He almost jumped on you for a hug. You had to take a few steps back to prevent yourself from falling backwards as he hugged you. He even held your hand and went to your parents with you afterwards.

Your departure was distracting and nobody noticed Senju running up the stairs, wanting to secretly play with the concorde plastic model.

You were lucky you were gone before all hell breaks loose. You left thinking you'd see all of them again soon, but it'd be at least two weeks before you'd see the Akashi siblings again.

It was pretty obvious something happened, but nobody would tell you anything.

"It was just an accident, you don't need to worry about it." That was everything Shinichiro told you during your next stay. Mikey asked him to keep quiet about it. He obviously knew that what he did was wrong and he knew you'd know that too. Your scared eyes and wary gaze was something he wished to avoid at all costs, just imagining it made him feel bad.

You only got to know the story after two weeks when Baji told you. It wasn't something you'd expect Mikey to do. You just couldn't imagine Mikey being that agressive, his sweet and cheerful demeanor was the only thing you knew.

The topic seemed sensitive and you decided it was best to act like you didn't know. You weren't there so it wasn't your business. If Mikey or Haruchiyo wanted to talk about it they would, and when they do you'd just act like you didn't know. You just hoped you'd be able to keep your mouth shut till then.

A/n :
Okay so I just found out that the chronological order is a bit off (especially with Izana) but let's just act like it isn't :D I hope it's not too noticeable
I also think I'll do another time skip cuz writing kids is hard and I wanna start the story story
And I'd like to say sorry for updating slowly but I swear I won't forget about this and I'll keep updating no matter how slow the updates are

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