Chapter 4

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The room was dimly lit when you woke up, the light came from outside, it was peeking through the curtains of Manjiro's room

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The room was dimly lit when you woke up, the light came from outside, it was peeking through the curtains of Manjiro's room. You roll onto the other side of your body so you're facing Manjiro's bed, you want to know if he's already awake. What you saw was quite the shocker though.

Manjiro was wide awake and staring at you, it gave you the chills. It also made you wonder about how long he had been staring at you. You sat up and stared at him, he looked happy for some reason.

"When did you wake up?"

He shrugs nonchalantely and proceeds to smile as he jumps out of his bed. You rub your eyes and yawn before you get ready to lay back down. Manjiro had other plans and took one of your hands, pulling you out of your bed and dragging you down the hallway with him. You're pissed at first but his excitement and happy smile calmed you down a little. 

Both of you entered the living room, still holding hands, you're fully awake now and look around. Shinichiro is lying down on the couch while Sakurako is setting the table in the kitchen. 

Your grip on Manjiro's hand tightens as he pulls you to the table. Sakurako smiles and greets both of you when you sit down. 

You're sitting next to Manjiro and he's talking to you about some things when you suddenly feel a hand ruffle through your hair, you could see that the same thing happened to Manjiro. You look up to see Shinichiro, he's laughing.

"Goodmorning." He says as he retracts his hands and takes a seat at the table. You hum and Manjiro grunts in response. 

After breakfast Manjiro immediatly pulled you with him again, saying that he has to show you something. You're really curious so you eagerly follow him, his excitement rubbing off on you.

He takes you to the dojo that's attached to the house, you couldn't help but look around in amazement.

"Wow! This is really cool , Manjiro!"

"You think so?"


His cheeks flush a little and he started following you as you looked around the dojo. You were really looking at everything, inspecting the mats, looking at all the things and even staring out of the window for a while. You especially liked how traditional the dojo looked. 

Busy looking around the dojo, you didn't notice that Manjiro had gone to get changed. 

"Manjiro?" You were a bit nervous and started looking around to find Manjiro, searching everywhere. 'Did he leave me?' You were searching for him outside of the dojo, now feeling really stressed.


You quickly turn your head to see Manjiro standing in the dojo.He motions for you to come back to the dojo so you do. You look at him, 'he changed clothes... it looks cool.'  Closing in the distance, you can see that he looks a bit confused.

"Why were you outside?"

"I couldn't find you so..." You're voice is a little quiet, embarassed about the situation.

He nods and watches as you enter the dojo.

"Sit there!" There isa big smile on his face as he points at the floor near one of the dojo's walls. You sit down and look at him curiously, his excitement and smile are making you curious again. 

Manjiro suddenly jumps really high and kicks the air, it looked really cool. You're staring at him with your mouth wide open as your eyes sparkle in amazement. 

"That was awesome! Do it again!"

He grins and does it again, your amazed expression increases his confidence. You watch him do other cool tricks and poses, clapping after every single one of them. Manjiro couldn't stop smiling at all, he loved the way your amazed expression didn't leave your face even once and the way you applauded him after every trick. God, even the way you were smiling brought him joy.

It was like time stood still in the dojo, the three hours you both spend there felt like mere minutes. The trance was broken when the door of the dojo opened and a boy who looked about you and Manjiro's age was revealed. 

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