chapter 5

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The boy had short black hair and bronze eyes, he had a confused expression on his face as he looked at you

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The boy had short black hair and bronze eyes, he had a confused expression on his face as he looked at you. His eyes narrowed and he glanced at Manjiro, who had stopped doing tricks. Manjiro was smiling at the boy, he didn't move from the spot where he was standing though.

"Hey Baji"

"Who's that? She looks weak, what's someone like her doing in the dojo?"

The boy's words embarrassed you, causing your cheeks to flush. But still, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him, especially his mouth. You noticed that he had cute little fangs, that and his eyes made him look like a cat.

Manjiro laughs and Baji walks inside the dojo, he's wearing the same outfit as Manjiro. You stare at him, especially focusing on his extraordinary features. When he notices your stare he squints his eyes while watching you.

"Who are you?"

"y/n" You didn't hesitate to tell the boy your name, he knows Manjiro after all. Besides, his cat-like appearance made you take a liking to him. You'd love to inspect his fangs from a closer perspective one day.

From the corner of your eye you could see Manjiro stare at you, but he was smiling.

The dojo went silent for a while, until Baji speaks up.

"And why are you here? I've never seen you before and you're not even wearing a uniform."

"I-" Manjiro interrupted you sentence with his own. His expression turned into a more serious one, just like his voice.

"She's staying at my house, don't be rude."

A loud sigh escapes Baji's lips and he glares at Manjiro.

"Who said I was going to be rude?!"

His words were ignored by Manjiro, who started doing cool tricks again. He wanted to see you smile at him again. His head turned to see your reaction, but he was met with dissapointment. Your gaze was stuck on Baji, you wanted to see his fangs again and you wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to do so.

Manjiro pouted and sat down next to you, his expression was sour as he watched you.

He wanted you to look at him, to smile at him, to admire him. But you were watching Baji. What's so special about him anyways? It's not like Baji's any better than him, right?

When Baji finished warming up Manjiro asked him to spar. It was a pleasant surprise for Baji who had always been rejected by Manjiro when he had asked to spar with him. He got really excited and started smiling, his smile revealed his little fangs again. You looked at them again, looking away from Manjiro. This pissed Manjiro off even more.

"C'mon, get ready Baji. And don't hold back, fight me for real."


They began sparring, you didn't really know anything about martial arts and found it hard to watch. You didn't like them beating eachother up, you considered both of them as your friends so you couldn't pick a side either.

It was obvious that Manjiro would be the winner of this match, he was a prodigy after all. Baji did put up quite the fight, he was able to block some of Manjiro's kicks and punches but to no avail. He could barely hit Manjiro and eventually lost the fight. He was lucky that Manjiro's mood improved when he saw your gaze on him, blood would've been shed if you didn't.

Baji was lying down on the floor, he was breathing heavily and his cheeks were a bit flustered. That was a disgrace, how could I lose? Especially now that there was an angel watching, this is pathectic. She must think I'm pathetic... His gaze lands on you, you still look a little worried and stressed from the match but it's not that noticeable. You were looking at Manjiro as he was talking to you about the moves he used.

An angel, that was what Baji thought when he first saw you. Even now with that slightly stressed and worried expression, you were beautiful. He had never seen someone like you before, someone that's literally breathtaking. Someone that actually manages to make him stop breathing. Someone that enchants him with her beauty. Someone like an angel, a beautiful angel send by the heavens to bless everyone that manages to catch a glimpse of her.

He wanted to win the match so you could see how cool he was and so that he could be in Manjiro's place, talking to you about his victory. He also wanted to see you smile at him and tell him how cool he was. But most importantly, he wanted you to be his friend so he could see you more and so he had more opportunities to talk and meet with you.

"Are you alright?" Your concerned voice and worried face made Baji look at you again.

"Yes!" He quickly stood up, he didn't want you to think he was pathetic.

"Sano! Let's have a rematch!"

"No" Manjiro's short response and nonchalant expression annoyed Baji. But he calmly accepted Manjiro's refusal, he didn't want to show you his bad side.

Manjiro didn't feel like sparring anymore. He had your attention again and that was enough to satisfy him, for now.

Both Manjiro and Baji showed you some cool tricks, the atmosphere was comfortable and their slight bikkering made you laugh. It was around 4 in the afternoon when Manjiro's grandfather entered the dojo and made you and Manjiro leave, he was going to be teaching after all. Baji stayed in the dojo to follow his teachings.

You quickly fell asleep in the evening, you were tired. Tired but satisfied, you had gained two new friends in a mere two days. It was as exhausting as it was fulfilling.

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