chapter 7

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Baji immediately came into your field of vision when you got outside, the black haired boy was looking at his feet

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Baji immediately came into your field of vision when you got outside, the black haired boy was looking at his feet. A smile creeped up on your face as you called out to him. He almost immediately looked up at you and grinned. He always did that when he was with you, he didn't want you to think he was a weak crybaby nor a grumpy pessimist.

A warm hand took yours, it was Manjiro's. He didn't want you to be closer with Baji than you were with him. His hand was holding you back from coming any closer to Baji, so he came to you. His eyes fixated on your and Manjiro's intertwined hands, he was jealous. He was so jealous that he even thought about violently ripping Manjiro's hand off of yours and holding your hand himself.

You hear Baji scoff and a tense atmosphere seems to gather around him and Mikey.

Until you hear Sakurako's voice calling you. Your head immediately turns to see her standing in the doorway, Emma hiding behind her legs. You let go of Mikey's hand almost instinctively, making the boy in question extremely grumpy. You leave Mikey and Baji standing outside and run to Sakurako. Both of them just watching you leave, feeling extremely dissapointed and grouchy. But they can't do anything when it's Sakurako that's calling you, she's Mikey's mother after all.

Seeing Sakurako always excites you, she's always sweet and kind, and her smile makes you feel calm and comfortable. You curiously stare at Sakurako, glancing at Emma sometimes. It didn't really surprise you when you were asked to play with Emma. Although Emma did look a little emberrassed for having to indirectly ask you, her cheeks were red and it made her look really cute.

"Of course!"

You were actually very excited to do something with Emma, you didn't have much friends and the ones you did have were boys, a girl friend would be very refreshing. You were left alone with Emma, it was a little akward at first but you managed to start a conversation with her. After a while she even took you to her room so you could play with her dolls together.

In the meantime, Mikey and Baji were running around outside. They played a strange version of tag they made up together until they were exhausted. Your absence was very clear, especially when they just sat around doing nothing. They got bored quickly which eventually led Mikey to have a 'great' idea.

Your fun time playing with Emma and her dolls was interrupted by a knock on her door. There wasn't even time to answer because Baji and Mikey immediately entered the room after a single knock, the excitement clearly visible on both of their faces.

Manjiro was looking at both you and Emma as he was explaining his reasoning and his idea, Baji's gaze was only focused on you. The idea Mikey had was absurd and you'd rather continue playing with Emma's dolls. You turn to see Emma's reaction and to your surprise she looked really excited, her lips curved up in a sweet smile.

"Okay then."

Your response was greeted with excitement. You immediately helped Emma grab her crayons and markers, you also went with Mikey to grab a color book. He had remembered seeing one in Emma's room and thought it would be fun to color it together. It would also be a great way to play with you again without actually having to ask, his pride didn't allow him to do that.

The coloring page was almost done when Manjiro got a little too excited while talking to you about something cool he did once. He swinged his arm and the red crayon he was holding drew a big line on the wall. You could see his expression go from excited to stressed in an instant, he turned to stare at you with a worried face, as if he was asking you what to do now.

You also panick a little, the line is too big to cover up.

"Oh! We can draw on the wall?!" Baji was already drawing a stick firgure on the wall when he said that.

You wanted to tell him he couldn't but an excited Emma was also drawing on the wall now, and she looked very happy. You and Mikey lock eyes, he didn't look scared anymore and neither did you. You smiled and also grabbed a crayon, something about drawing on the wall also excited you. Besides, Emma and Baji made it seem like it was a lot of fun.

The wall quickly got covered in drawings, but only the lower part, none of you could reach over the middle anyways. You had drawn everyone and some cute flowers, you and Manjiro also worked together to make a big red dragon out of the line he accidentaly drew. It looked terribly deformed but it was fun. When Baji saw the both of you drawing together he got jealous and interfered, by drawing a cat on the dragon.

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