chapter 16

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Tokyo, Shibuya, October 14th 2003 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, October 14th 2003 :

Sirens, that was all you could hear as you watched Shinichiro's motionless body get carried into an ambulance.

Your gaze fell to Kazutora and Baji, they were being guided to a police car.

Kazutora looked like he was in a trance, repeating the same thing over and over again with crazed eyes. You couldn't quite make out what he was saying andturned your eyes towards Baji.

His eyes were wide and tears were spilling out. He searched eye contact with you and mouthed something like an apology that you couldn't hear through the chaos.

You got scared and panicked, the chaos was a bit too much for you. You searched for mikey's hand and squeezed it, hard. He didn't waste any time and squeezed back as he pulled you with him, pushing through the crowd towards the front.

You finally glanced at him. He looked even worse than you, far worse than you to be honest. His black eyes were wide open, his mouth was slightly agape and you could feel his hand trembling as he squeezed yours.

It hurt you to see him like this. You pried your eyes away from his face as he pulled you to run to the ambulance, trying to get to his precious brother.

Your eyes were frantically looking around, trying to find something to focus on. You found Baji getting pushed into the police car and felt the urge to run to him. But you knew you couldn't, you couldn't leave Mikey alone, he needed you the most right now.

The sirens got even louder as you got closer to the ambulance. It was dizzying, and Mikey's increasingly tight grip didn't help at all.

You watched the ambulance leave for the hospital right in front of your eyes. Mikey yelled something and kicked the floor in frustration.

His eyes nervously darted around and found yours, he turned his body to face you as his eyes got teary.

"Manjiro!" You put your hands on his shoulders and shook his body a bit. Your worried eyes were still wide from shock but you managed to stay slightly calm. At least calm enough to stay rational.

"You need to get us to the hospital!"

The waiting room was as quiet as the drive to the hospital. Neither of you said a word.

You hands were entangled as you watched the red light above the surgery room, waiting for a doctor to come out with good news. You rubbed your thumb against the back of his hand, you expected Emma and grandpa Sano to come soon.

Mikey rested his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes for a bit. His heart calmed down as he inhaled your familiar scent. The severity of the the situation dawned in on him as he could finally think straight. He let his gaze wander towards you, inspecting your nervous expression.


You pried your eyes away from the red light and looked at Mikey. He seemed calmer but the fear in his eyes was evident.

He opened his mouth to say something else, but the sound of hurried footsteps stopped him in the action.

Emma and grandpa Sano have finally arrived.

Emma cried as she ran to hug you and Mikey. Grandpa Sano went to try and get more details.

4 or 5 hours had passed when the red light finally turned off, the surgery was over. 

You pulled Mikey off the seats with you as you awaited the opening of the doors. Emma stood besides you, she also held your hand. Her hand was shaking as much as yours. It seemed like Mikey converted his fear into strength, your hand hurt from his tight grip.

The doctors asked to speak with grandpa Sano, they even went into a seperate room to discuss the details. But right before they entered, he stuck up his thumb towards you. 

'Shinichiro... he's okay!'

You smiled and your gaze immediately turned at Mikey. You were so relieved, tears rolled down your cheeks and you let go of Emma's hand to hug Mikey. His arms wrapped around your waist and he buried his face in your shoulder. A tight embrace that also hid the tears forming in his eyes, it was all he needed at the moment.

Emma was sobbing besides you. It sort of reminded you of Sakurako's death, especially the tears. You were glad the situation wasn't the same, they don't deserve that. 

Baji and Kazutora were still on your mind, the worry was still present too. But for now, you just wanted to focus on this feeling of relief.

A/n : Okay so I'm not letting Shin die because :

1) he's cute

2) he's adorable

3) he's also hot

4) he's pretty tall

5) It'd be a waste of a pretty face

6) I also kinda don't wanna see him die again

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