chapter 21

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 19th 2005 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 19th 2005 :

"37,8°... " Your headache was clarified by the thermometer. It wasn't that bad so maybe you could just sleep it away.

Your feet hit the cold floor as you make your way upstairs, holding onto the railing of the stairs to make sure you don't fall. The slight fever really took a toll on you, it was like the world was spinning and your head was repeatedly hit by a bat.

You stumble onto the bed and immediately curl up into a ball, falling asleep almost immediately.

ring ring

ring ring

ring ring

'phone...?' Your tired eyes slowly opened themselves, meeting with the sight of your bedroom. You had to take a moment to fully comprehend it. Your mind was elswhere when you scanned over the closet with the room divider in front of it and then the large windows with their long curtains, the fluffy couch you got for your 7th birthday was observed next. Everything felt so strange, so unfamiliar, it scared you a bit.

Cold sweat was all over your body as you blindly reached out towards the still ringing phone, your head felt too heavy to lift.

The bright screen opened right in front of your face and you almost dropped your phone. Your eyes adjusted and you picked up the phone.

"...Yes?" It sounded so hoarse and dry, exactly like how your throat felt. Your hand reached out towards the waterbottle on your nightstand, which happened to be empty.

"Y/n? Are you okay? You don't sound too good..." Mitsuya's worried voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Just a headache, and I'm feeling a bit weak... Why do you call?"


"I'm coming over" Mitsuya ended the call with that. He wanted to make sure you're okay, even if it potentially meant wasting time and missing the meeting. You didn't sound good and the symptoms you gave him matched his sisters' when they had a fever.

He was with most of the founding members at the moment though, they asked him to call you over so you could hang out with them before the meeting starts.

The surprise was evident on their faces when your voice was heard, their heads all turned to the phone, they scooted closer too. They stayed silent as Mitsuya spoke and eventually hung up.

Baji was first to go to his bike, the rest following his example. Until Mitsuya told them off, a sick person needs peace and quiet, not 6 loud gang members.

Peh said he and Pah would stay behind. The other three did rock paper scissors, Mitsuya didn't participate since he was guaranteed to go. He was the one who called you and told you he would come over, so he should obviously go.

And that's how Baji and Mitsuya came to stand in front of your door.

You had swayed down the stairs, you decided to go down on you butt when you almost fell down.

It was a funny but worrying sight, you with messy, tangled hair, pyjama shorts with a tank top on, and then leaning against the door for support.

First things first, Mitsuya stepped forward and put his hand on you forehead. You were practically burning, it was even more evident when you started leaning against him instead of the door.

Baji approached too, he was less wild and more fidgety. Nervously worried about your current state, you've never been this sick, not even when you were younger. He didn't like it when you leaned against Mitsuya, but couldn't really do anything about it.

"You should stay in bed... have you eaten?" Mitsuya's hands combed through your hair before reaching down towards you waist to support you, humming as he sees you shake your head.

You quickly got snatched away from him. Both you and Mitsuya's eyes widened in surprise, you almost shrieked as Baji pulled you towards him and princess carried you. His cheeks were pink and his lips were trembling as he looked down at you in his arms, gazing at you like a teary eyed puppy. It was even cuter, and more embarrassing, when he took you to your room.

Rolling his eyes at the cheesy scene, Mitsuya decided to stay behind. He searched through the cabinets in search of medication and the thermometer, he also looked out for some leftover soup or soup ingredients.

The soft bedsheets felt like heaven to you, Baji lowered you onto them and tried his best to tuck you in. He even rummaged through all of the plushies on the other side of your bed, just to find your favorite crocodile one.

That plushie was given to you by Izana on one of your last meetings. He won it at a stall at a past fair. Shinichiro was also there, and he also tried to win it for you, but he had one point too little.

Your arms instinctively wrap around it when Baji hands it to you, the plushie's comfort almost made you fall asleep immediately. But you stayed awake and thankfully smiled at Baji, who couldn't resist the urge anymore and kissed your forehead.

"Go to sleep, you're burning up." He couldn't even look at you, his flustered face turned away from you. The flustered boy still grabbed a chair and took a seat right besides your bed, lovingly staring at your closed eyes and sleeping face.

Mitsuya took a while to come up to your room, but that's because he brought warm soup, water, medication, the thermometer and crackers.

The tray was pushed into Baji's hands as Mitsuya sat on your bed, running his hands through your hair to gently wake you up. Much to Baji's dissaproval since he was terribly jealous.

When you did wake up, Mitsuya measured how high your fever is and gave you your medication. His hand also supported your back when he sat you up straight to make you eat some soup. Baji handed you the water before they let you lay down again.

It didn't take you long to fall asleep again, especially with Mitsuya's hand rhythmically combing through your hair and Baji stroking your cheek. Their soft whispers of comfort were like a lullaby.

"Sweet dreams"

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