Chapter 12

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Tokyo, Shibuya, January 27th 1995 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, January 27th 1995 :

Carefully lifting one foot after another, you tried to match Mikey's footsteps while walking home.

School just ended and you couldn't wait to go home. Mikey could wait though, since today is one of the days that you don't stay at the Sano residence. He could only see you at school and when you walked home together.

His gaze was on you as your eyes glimmered with excitement at the thought of home. His expression turned slightly sad and pouty before he averted his gaze.

The point where you split up approaches. You didn't really want to separate either so the both of you slowed down a little.

"When will you stay with us again?" Mikey's hesitant voice filled your ears. His pleading gaze made your stomach feel weird.

"Maybe this sunday" Your face showed a smile as your arms wrapped around him for a hug.

You could softly hear him mumble, "you better come". His arms then tightly wrapped around your body. The hug lasted a minute before you slowly let go of each other to head home.

Mikey waved you goodbye and turned around the corner.

You kept going straight. Your soft humming stopped when you turned the corner and saw Shinichiro walking with a short white-haired boy.

The boy was wearing such weird clothes that you couldn't help but frown. He looked older than you but younger than Shinichiro and it really confuses you.

It didn't take long for Shinichiro to notice you. His face lit up and his smile got even wider as he waved at you. He looked so pretty like that; you can't help but smile and run over to him.

The boy next to him had a strange expression on his face, it seems like he didn't expect Sinichiro to run into someone he knew. And by the looks of it, he didn't like it at all.

Shinichiro lifted you up in the air and spun you around once before putting you back down.

"Hey y/n! Going home from school?" His faced remained cheerful and his attention shifted to the boy next to him after he saw your nod.

"Good, this is Izana"

Your gaze had barely turned to face the boy Shinichiro had called Izana when you felt yourself get lifted up in the air again. It didn't take long before Shinichiro's arms steadily wrapped around your body and held you up. It was so comfortable, you almost forgot about the boy next to him.

Izana stared at the two of you, the jealousy on his face going unnoticed by the both of you. He didn't like the way you took all of Shinichiro's attention when it was supposed to be his.

"Shinichiro, who is that?" His eyes were burning holes in your back as he asked that. The thought of having to share his older brother with someone else made him disgusted.

"Oh! This is Y/n, she stays at my place when her parents have to go on a trip."

Shinichiro's words seemed to calm him down a little. He had no need to be jealous, you weren't Shinichiro's sibling after all. He glanced at you; a surge of curiosity ran through him.

You were just peeking over Shinichiro's shoulder and didn't expect to actually make eye contact. Averting your gaze was something that happened instinctively. You didn't want your action to be seen as rude, so you looked back at him to observe his reaction.

His eyes were focused on the road ahead of him and his face didn't show any type of emotion. Even his body seemed to show you his indifference, it was obvious to you that he didn't really care about the broken eye contact. The red tinge on his cheeks seemed to have slipped past your observant gaze.

"Do you want to eat ice cream with us?" Your gaze was lifted from Izana to Shinichiro as you excitedly nodded your head. Shinichiro sensed the strange atmosphere between you and Izana and wanted to try to at least get the both of you on good terms. He didn't mean to introduce or show Izana to you or his siblings. But since it happened to happen, he wanted to make the best of the situation and maybe even give Izana another person to rely on.

The way to the ice cream shop was rather quiet and Shinichiro actually left you and Izana alone when he went to order.

You sat there in silence, swinging your legs a bit. Izana was the first to speak up. He sounded a bit nervous, and his head was turned away from you.

"Why would you pick strawberry, it tastes artificial."

His desperate attempt to start a conversation was surprisingly effective. The conversation was more of a childish debate than a proper talk, but it helped to ease the atmosphere.

The fight only ended when Shinichiro finally came back. He looked a bit surprised to see the both of you like this, but it made him happy as well. He enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere that you and Izana had created.

Later on, they dropped you off at your house. It wasn't that far, and Shinichiro didn't feel comfortable leaving you to go home alone.

You gave Shinichiro a hug and waved at Izana.

"I liked meeting you." The sweet words that came out of your mouth made Izana blush a bit.

He tried to play cool, but you could finally notice the blush properly, his cute cheeks all red and his eyes on the ground.

"Yeah, same here"


A/n : Late update cuz I was travelling, sorry cuties.

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