chapter 19

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 7th 2005 :

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Tokyo, Shibuya, July 7th 2005 :

"Why do you keep harassing that Takemichy guy? Hm? Manjiro?"

"What!? I'm not harassing him."

"You invade his personal space, you force him to be your friend, and you give him a stupid nickname. That's weird, even for you."

"What do you mean by that!?"

Your lighthearted discussion with Mikey is interrupted by Draken's presence. You had been waiting for him with Mikey in front of his place. He did seem a bit surprised to see you here.

"Y/n? Don't you have school?" He raises his eyebrows, the same way he always does. His eyes seem to scold you for skipping school, even though he knows Mikey pulled you along.

"Don't you?" Your reply comes out more sassy than you wanted it to be. Your sweet giggle served as it's compensation.

His loud sigh is a sign that it worked, and so is the way his hand ruffled your hair. He walked past you and greeted Mikey.

You tried to turn your hair back to it's normal, neat state. You moved strands and combed through your hair.

"C'mon... hurry up n/n!"

You hurriedly make your way towards your friends.

"Mizo middle school? What are we doing here?" The familiar schoolbuilding in front of you was making you confused, you didn't know of an acquaintance going to school here. You couldn't help but suspiciously look at them, their faces are completely serious, which is pretty rare. Your mind couldn't help but wander towards the multiple possibilities as to why you're here.

"Takemichy goes to school here, and a crybaby like him probably wouldn't dare skip."

Mikey laughs at your dumbfound expression. You couldn't help but feel bad for the Takemichy guy, both Mikey and Draken thought of him as a wimp after all. It's not like you didn't, but at least you're keeping quiet about it.

A sigh leaves your lips as you enter the school. "Which class?"

Both Draken and Mikey shrug, they didn't think that far ahead. You can't help but facepalm at these idiots.

"Ah, I guess we'll just have to look inside the classrooms then."

"Sure" Mikey immediately opened the first door he saw, looking inside before closing the door again.

"no Takemichy here"

You hum and open the door to another classroom. Draken peeked inside with you as scanned the room for Takemichi. You simply smiled and said you had the wrong classroom before you closed the door, Takemichi wasn't there anyways.

Draken and Mikey went ahead to the second floor, leaving you to deal with the rest of the first floor.

Takemichi wasn't in any class on the first floor so you decided to head up to the second floor and tell Mikey.

Sounds of a fight echoed as you walked up the stairs, your footsteps instinctively accelerated. You weren't worried but you felt as if you should be there anyways. That feeling quickly disappeared when a guy you'd never seen before harshly bumped against you. He fell to his knees afterwards, it seems like he was hit by Draken and fell towards you. But it was a straight hit that send you to the ground. You fall on your butt and the back of your head hits the wall. The harsh impact made you frown.

You heard some yelling and lots of curse words as you rubbed the back of your head, still processing what happened. A harsh kick send the body, of the guy that hit you, far away from you. It surprised you more than Draken who suddenly lifts you up and scans your body for injuries.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't think it would hit you. Does it hurt anywhere?" His worried voice matches his worried eyes. He can't even stop looking at you, still trying to find a potential injury. His actions showed how sorry he was, he really does feel bad about this.

"My head hurts... and my butt does too. But it's okay, I know it was an accident." You managed a smile as you swinged your legs to gesture you want to be put down.

Draken hesistantly complied and put you down. He still felt the warmth of your body lingering on his hands, it made his cheeks heat up. His worried expression didn't falter, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, not even when Mikey returned.

"Ken-chin? Why is n/n hurt?" The smile on his face didn't represent his feelings at all. You could see it, Mikey was pissed.

You were roughly pulled into an embrace as Mikey also checked your body for injuries. He squeezed you even more when he didn't notice any visible ones.

"I punched a guy and he knocked her over" The short explanation lightened the mood a bit, it sounded pretty stupid.

Mikey's smile turned into a laugh and he let go of you.

"I thought you pushed her or something"

"What?! Why would I?"


Draken sighed and facepalmed, it was hard to believe that Mikey would think he hurt you. He'd rather harm himself than you. You were so precious to him, he even panicks when you get a paper cut.

"Let's just find Takemichy already, it's almost noon and I'm hungry."

"I'll treat you to something"

Draken's offer was strangely attractive. You'd usually deny it because you'd feel guilty afterwards but he really did hurt you this time, and you sort of didn't bring any money.

"Alright then"

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