chapter 18

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"What? No way!" Your eyebrows wrinkle together in a frown as you glare at your friends

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"What? No way!" Your eyebrows wrinkle together in a frown as you glare at your friends. They were the ones that basically forced you into the gang, and now they're saying it's too gruesome for you? That's contradictory!

"They're beating the shit out of eachother, you think you can handle it?"

You pursed your lips at Draken's comment, these guys act like you're made of sugar. Especially with the way they were eyeing you, they wouldn't even hide the worry in their eyes.

"Of course I can!" You admit that you're not the strongest, but you're definitely not that weak either. Let's say you can stand your ground.

Draken and Mikey stared at eachother for a while, as if deciding whether to take you with them or not. Their heads turn back to face you and Draken lets out a long, tiresome sigh.

"Alright then, but stay close to us. No talking to those guys either..."

"And especially no friendly waving with a smile plastered on your face." Mikey's face was stern, and his eyes were back to being serious. They only do that when it's about his gang, his beloved toman. He didn't like it when you waved because it was silly and tarnished the gang's reputation. Also because you always smile when you do, a silly smile that made you look like a kid.

That's not the reason though, the actual reason is much simpler. Your silly little smile is deemed to be too adorable by Mikey, and he doesn't like it when it's directed at someone other than him. Especially at random guys from the gang you know but he doesn't, he doesn't trust them at all. He knows what kind of guys are in his gang, and they're not specifically the kindest. They're guys after all, they think with their dicks.

"No waving, not even when you know them." Draken adds to Mikey's comment. Obviously, Mikey isn't the only one with that opinion about your silly waving.

Your frown and rebellious expression only grows as your glare intensifies.


"Oh, we're very serious alright. And get that sour expression off your face, it makes you look funny." The smirk on Draken's face as he said this annoyed you. He even reached out to poke in between your eyebrows with his finger. It softened your expression but you were still feeling a bit mad.

"Don't be grumpy n/n, we just don't want you to get hurt." A familiar hand held yours as it pulled you with him towards the fighting ring. Mikey's kind smile softened your expression more, and you allowed him to pull you closer.

Draken walked in front of you, his tall stature blocking your view. You tried to see who was fighting but Mikey pulled you even closer, not allowing you to stray from his side.

You looked at Mikey as he whispered for you to stay still and by his side. Your eyes are glued to his moving, chubby cheeks as he eats the last bit of his dorayaki.

"Heeey Kenchin? I'm all out of dorayaki." Mikey's cheerful voice definitely ruined the threatening atmosphere Draken created.

You looked around, twisting and turning to see everything. You had never seen a fighting ring before and you couldn't help but be curious.

You just noticed a couple of strange kids when all the delinquents suddenly bowed for Mikey. Wishing their 'mr. president' a good afternoon. You had to hold back laughter and moved closer to Mikey, who gladly squeezed your hand and held you close.

There were more people than you had expected. You continued looking around, trying to spot familiar faces in the crowd.

A guy's voice catched your attention. He adressed Mikey by his last name and said something about riding with the number three biking gang.

'number 3... isn't that Pah's division?' Your lips were already curling up to form a sweet smile, which didn't go unnoticed by your dear companion for the day.

Mikey let go of your hand. You instinctively reached to try and grab ahold of his hand again. That's until his arm roughly wrapped around your waist and tightly pulled you against him, his hand gently but firmly squeezing your sides.

Your smile was interrupted by his actions and you attention was on him again. Mission completed.

Draken kicked the guy who organised the fighting ring in the stomach, it looked really painful. You even think you heard something crack.

But your eyes were mostly focused on the cute boy on the floor. His childlike face didn't suit his delinquent hair and clothing style. He was totally beat up and his eyes were red from crying, it looked pitiful really.

You wanted to help him but Mikey was faster than you. He let go of you waist and came dangerously close to the blonde boy.

"What's your name?"

"Ta-Takemichi Hanagaki" The blonde boy looked scared, not that you blame him though.

"Okay... Takemitchy"

You looked back at Draken as he confirmed Mikey's nickname. He looks so serious, it was funny.

He noticed your gaze and motioned for you to come closer. His stern face made it clear that it wasn't a request. He had made it clear to stay close earlier anyways.

You take three steps back to stand by Draken's side, earning a satisfied hum from him.

His eyes are on your hand, he wants to hold it just like mikey did. He was scared you'd be surprised though. You've known eachother for a few years already, but he never got the chance to properly make a move or act all clingy with you. Mostly because of Mikey, the guy was always demanding all of your attention. It really pissed him off sometimes.

Draken sighs and looks back at your face. You looked pretty as ever, a cute but confused expression displayed on your features as you watch Mikey interact with Takemitchy. The soft blush returned to his face as he decides to reach out for your hand. Mikey's distracted so this is his perfect opportunity.

He made sure nobody was looking before he made his move. You felt a soft touch against your hand, followed by a warm hand holding yours. You didn't flinch at the contact, nor were you surprised. You had held hands with Mikey and the others a lot of times. But it's the first time Draken did so, and you rewarded him with a smile.

His cheeks heated up more, he was definitely going to do this again.


The loud sound of Mikey's kick startled you. The following sounds of violent punches made you cringe, you turned your gaze elsewhere as Mikey smashed the guy's face. He went from peacefully making friends with a cute boy to beating up one of his members.

You felt a bit disturbed when he showed you his sweet smile afterwards, blood spatters on his cheek. He grabbed your hand and yanked you out of Draken's reach, the latter looking really pissed about that.

"Let's go, Kenchin."

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