chapter 11

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 31st October 1994:

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 31st October 1994:

You were holding your mother's hand as you excitedly walk in front of her, trying to get her to move faster.


"Slow down n/n, or you'll fall!"

Her worried tone made you slow down for a minute before you started pulling at her hands again. You were exeptionally impatient and excited today because it was Halloween, and you were gonna go trick or treating with Mikey and Baji.

After your little argument with Mikey, you had both decided to go as the wolf. Baji was also going as one since you told him you and Mikey were going to match. His jealousy flared up and he immediately asked if he could match too. This made you even more excited so you said yes. Mikey wasn't very happy about this though.

Your mother sighed and opened the door to the Sano residence. Your lips curled up into a smile when the small blonde boy hugged you while dragging you inside, excitedly rambling about something that happened while you were away.

On his head he had two cute wolf ears that didn't match his hair color at all. His mother had painted some wolf like features on his face and it made him look really cute and a little funny.

Your mother was gonna stay with Sakurako at their home while you were trick or treating. Shinichiro was going with his friend, but had promised to stay close to you, Mikey and Baji so you guys wouldn't get lost or hurt.

Baji came in a few minutes after you did and he looked even cuter than Mikey. His cute little fangs made him look even more like a wolf.

Mikey's familiar hand enveloped yours as he pulled you with him towards Baji, snapping you out of your trance. He didn't let go and started rambling to Baji about the story he told you earlier, still wearing a cheeky grin on his face.

The door closed after Baji's mom left, you were just waiting for Shinichiro and his friend to come down.

You were quite curious since you've never seen him. You used to think he didn't have any at all, since he almost always stayed at home and you've never seen him go out.

Footsteps on the stairs drew your attention away from Mikey and Baji. The sight you were met with was completely different from what you imagined.

Shinichiro was wearing a white cloth so you assumed he was supposed to be a ghost. But the most astounding view was the person behind him. His statue resembled Shinichiro's, slender and over average height. His dark black hair reached his shoulders and his eyes looked a bit lazy.

You kept staring at him and it didn't go unnoticed, Shinichiro's laughter was heard when lifted you from the ground.

"Curious, are we?" His mischievous voice echoed and you didn't even have to look to know that he was grinning. His friend approached and he laughed, you noticed that his laugh was loud and contagious but in a comforting manner.

You shake your head in denial as you try to get down again. Shiniciro just laughed it off and held you tighter, bringing you up even higher and softly hugging you against his chest.

"Y/n this is Takeomi, Takeomi this is Y/n." You momentarily stop your struggle to look at Takeomi, he was a friend of Shinichiro so you decided to be nice to him and smiled. It was only when he smiled back and greeted you that Shinichiro put you down. The smile was still on your face as you came back to Mikey and Baji.

"Are we finally leaving?" Mikey was getting impatient and loudly whined. Shinichiro was still preparing to leave and wearily reassured him that they'll leave soon. Baji and you were unphased by his whining, you didn't even notice since you were so excited to go.

The moment you stepped outside you noticed that it was colder than you expected. This didn't stop you though, nothing could stop you from going trick or treating. With this newfound motivation you stopped at every house for candy, not missing a single one.

It was really late when you finally arrived back at Mikey's house. All of you were exhausted, Shinichiro and his friend went straight to Shinichiro's room whilst Baji, Mikey and you went to the kitchen.

You ran up to the table and poured the contents of your bag on it. A big pile of candy was now on the table and you were practically shining in excitement, you knew you got lots of candy but not this much.

Mikey and Baji quickly did the same and the pile just kept growing. You were all searching for your favorites in the pile and you could swear you saw Mikey sneak something in his mouth.

You were collecting your favorite candies on a pile in front of you, to prevent anyone else from taking them.

"Why are you taking so many of those?" You looked up at the owner of the voice and stared at Baji, he looked really curious.

"They're my favorite" Your answer catched both Baji's and Mikey's attention.

The only response you received was a faint 'oh' from Baji. But their actions spoke for them. Your collection was rapidly growing now that Mikey and Baji were also actively searching for your favorite candy so they could give them to you.

You finally collected them all and yawned, it was late and you were exhausted. You stared at your collection and then at your friends, you had hogged all the good candy for yourself and it made you feel a bad.

Your two friends were delighted when you handed them some of your favorite candies. You loved those candies so much, you never even shared them with your brother. But they were your friends, and they helped you, and you really liked them. They always looked out for you and stayed by your side, you couldn't imagine sharing your candies with anyone other than them.

Your special candy sharing moment was interrupted by Baji's mom coming to pick him up. He quickly shoved some candy back in his bag and put the candy you gave him in his pocket.

And then, he hugged you.

It was the first time he'd ever done that. His cheeks were rosy and his grip was tight, but not painful. His breath was shaky but calmed down a bit when your arms wrapped around his waist. The blush on his cheeks intensified and so did his grip on you. "See you later, y/n" his voice was soft and quiet, only you could hear what he said.

"See you soon, Baji" A soft blush appeared on your face as well as a childisch grin.

His warmth was still present on your clothes even after he had left and you were laying on the couch with Mikey.

The boring TV show made you doze off, not even Mikey could keep his eyes open longer than 10 minutes.

You were in a deep sleep as your mother came to take you home. A smile plastered on your face as today's sweet events turned into even sweeter dreams.

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