chapter 3

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'He's so pretty

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'He's so pretty.' You can't stop staring at him, it's like there's some kind of force that's keeping you from looking away. He looks enchanting like that, his bright smile and pearly white teeth. But above all, his eyes, they're slightly closed but they make his expression look so soft and kind. It's making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You can feel your hart speed up and your cheeks getting flustered.


It seemed impossible but Shinichiro's expression turned even sweeter. He stood up properly and ruffles your hair as you look up at him.

"So, I have to set up a bed for you right?"

You nod and glance at Manjiro, unexpectedly, he's also looking at you. The moment you make eye contact, his gaze shifts to Shinichiro but you keep your eyes on him.

"Yes, mom said she'll be staying with us."

"And she'll be sleeping in your room?"


"Alright then."

Shinichiro grabs a rag and wipes his hands before he walks inside the house. You and Manjiro silently follow him around the house as he looks around for a folding bed. When he finally finds it Manjiro helps him carry it up the stairs, you wanted to help too but they said it was fine. Luckily, no accidents happened and the folding bed safely arrived in Manjiro's room.

You sat on Manjiro's bed and watched Shinichiro and Manjiro set up the bed together. When they finish setting up the bed they sit next to you on the bed, Shinichiro on your right and Manjiro on your left. Shinichiro is the first to look at you and speaks up.

"So... How long are you staying?"

"Three days"

"Three days huh? That's a long time for a four year old."

You can see that Shinichiro is lost in his thoughts as he says that. He isn't smiling and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed.

"Yeah! And she'll be staying with us every week from now on."

Manjiro's words surprise Shinichiro a bit, he definitely wasn't expecting that.


"My parents are always really busy."

Both Manjiro and Shinichiro are looking at you now. Your attention is still on the folding bed, you're feeling a little uncomfortable so you start swinging your legs.

"So they left you here?" Shinichiro asked, you didn't see his face but you're almost sure it's one of pity and disillusionment.

The word 'left' angered you, your parents didn't leave you. They just had somewhere else to be... right? Your eyes start to prickle with tears as you look up and glare at Shinichiro.

"They didn't leave me! They're coming back to get me soon!"

"I know, I know, I didn't mean it like that."

Shinichiro wasn't expecting your reaction, his face becomes even more worried as he desperatly tries to stop your tears. Your tears eventually dry and you turn your head away from Shinichiro. Not even his sigh can make you look at him again.

"I guess you'll be staying with us then."

He stands up and pats your head, another smile is shown on his face.

"I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

All your anger dissapears and a small smile could be seen on your face. You and Manjiro watch Shinichiro leave the room. The door of his room closed and the atmosphere turned a bit akward, until Manjiro nervously speaks up.

"Do you like motorcycles?"

"I think so."

"What's your favorite food?"

"Ice cream."

"Cool, mine's dorayaki."

You switch positions on his bed so you're facing him, he does the same. After a while, you find yourself smiling. Manjiro's smiling too, even when it's quiet, it makes him look like a happy puppy with a wagging tail. Especially when he looks at you with wide eyes and a smile on his face as you're telling him something. The conversation goes on and it gives you a sense of comfort. Manjiro does most of the talking but you don't mind, you like listening to him. He tells you lots of things, like his favorite things, things he doesn't like and all kinds of stories. You do the same, telling all sorts of things about yourself.

Neither of you knows for how long you've been talking when a sudden knock on the door interrupts your conversation. Your heads turn to face the door and you can see Sakurako smiling at you. She called you for dinner, both of you quickly rush downstairs. You didn't know you were this hungry.

The dinner was nice, there was a warm atmosphere and you sat next to manjiro which made you even more comfortable. Manjiro showed you around the house after the dinner, you then played together till it was time to go to bed. Sakurako tucked both of you in bed, she even gave you a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't stop smiling, even when Sakurako had already left.

"Goodnight, y/n"

His voice startles you a bit and you look at Manjiro, still smiling happily.

"Goodnight Manjiro!"

Unbeknownst to you, the boy's face turned red when he heard you call his name so sweetly. He turned so his back is facing you to hide his blushing face. He wasn't prepared for your sweet smile nor your soft voice, it made him feel fuzzy inside. He had been waiting for you to call his name ever since he first met you, he didn't expect it to make him feel this flustered though.

You quickly drift off to sleep, feeling happy and content about today. Manjiro on the other hand only fell asleep hours after you did, he was too busy thinking about you and what to do tomorrow. He was too excited, he really enjoyed being with you and couldn't wait to spend time with you again. It seems that he already took a liking to you.

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