chapter 20

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It took you a few more doors before you finally found Takemichi

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It took you a few more doors before you finally found Takemichi. He didn't seem very happy with Mikey draggin him out of the classroom, but it's not like he can stop him.

He looked so dumb when he walked out of the classroom with Mikey, and the face he made when he saw the guys Draken beat up was even worse. A soft chuckle escaped your lips, he looks a bit cute like that.

Draken told the poor guys to line up on the floor so he and Mikey could walk over them.

You took this opportunity to walk next to Takemichi and finally introduce yourself. You didn't miss the disorientated glint in his eyes as he greeted you, awkwardly introducing himself. His eyes kept their focus on Mikey and Draken, even when you were speaking, it really pissed you off so you stopped speaking.

Mikey stepped off the last guy and came to walk besides you, pulling you closer to him. Draken bothered Takemichi in the meantime, asking stupid questions like always. It didn't take long for Mikey to join in on the conversation by saying equally stupid things.

Your attention wasn't really there, something else caught it. A cute girl with peach hair and a serious expression on her face, she also seems to be headed towards you.

"Stop right there!" Her voice was soft, even when it sounded commanding.

Draken immediately took the initiative and asked her who she is, he was totally ignored.

Instead, she eyed Mikey. Takemichi said something about being busy, but he was ignored too. The girl who Takemichi called Hina bravely stepped forward and slapped Mikey, right in the face and with no hesitation.

She then proceeded to turn around and drag a flabbergasted Takemichi with her. You made way towards Mikey, it's his first time being slapped and he seemed kind of out of it. You could hear her tell Takemichi to stand up for himself, their relationship looked like the romantic type.

You got close enough to grab his chin and turn his head, his cheek was a bit red from the slap. Draken was making a commotion behind your back, but you trusted that he wouldn't not harm anyone.

"It's fine, n/n" Mikey gently took your hand off his face as he smiled and turned to Takemichi.

You couldn't take your eyes off his cheek, he's probably fine but he must've at least felt it. It's not like he's actually invinsible.

"Okay then, how do you want to die?" Mikey's words startled you, his face did too. Worry that he might actually do something drastic filled your mind, and your heart started beating faster.

He moved away from you and headed for Takemichi. Thoughts of grabbing his wrist flooded your mind, but you were too late. You could see him raise his fist and aim for Takemichi.

But he stopped, he stopped and smiled. "Sike"

You honestly felt like punching him for real, he scared you.

Mikey grabbed your hand anyways, pulling you outside with him. He stated that he didn't hit girls and just left with you, leaving Takemichi and his girlfriend alone with Draken.

"N/n, will you kiss my cheek if I say it hurts?" His eyes stare into yours, showing his seriousness. It was such a strange question, you don't know how to respond.

Mikey's heart was racing, he asked a risky question. He hoped that you wouldn't notice how flustered he is, the embarrassment hit him hard.

Your answer remains unheard, since Draken arrived and slung his arm around your shoulder. It's a bit too embarrassing to answer like that, so you kept quiet.

A deeply disappointed Mikey let out a sigh and turned around, hiding his pouty face. He wanted to know your answer.

Hinata ended up apologizing to Mikey, she's such a sweet girl.

You ended up sitting behind Draken on a bike, Mikey sat behind Takemichi. The ride was quiet until Takemichi decided to speak up, asking a stupid question.

You listened to the response anyways, you too were curious as to why Mikey likes Takemichi. And just like you had initially thought, it had to do with Shinichiro.

Mikey explained how his brother was reckless and how Takemichi reminded him of his brother. He had such a big smile on his face as he said it, it made you smile too.

Draken got ready to lift you off the bike when you finally stopped, you already hopped off though.

You listened to Mikey's speech about a new era for delinquents, completely oblivious to Draken's pouty face. He eventually joined you to listen too, making sure he stands right next to you.

Mikey even told Takemichi to follow him, to join him. It was unlike him to be so serious, not that you mind. He looked happy, that's the most important.

Draken held your hand once more, taking you with him as you follow Mikey back to the bikes.

This time, you sat behind Mikey. This is a rare occurrence, he usually doesn't ride it himself, much less with someone behind him. But if there is someone behind him, it's always you. No exceptions, no one else gets that privelege, only you.

He felt your arms sneaking around his waist as you held onto him tightly, leaning in to whisper in his ear. He was really cool today, and you couldn't help but want to tease him a bit. Draken was riding in front of you anyways, he wouldn't see nor hear a thing.

Mikey's cheeks flushed red, they almost matched the beautiful sunset. He tries his best to hide it, but your warm body pressing against his back is distracting. Your soft lips so close to his ear that he can hear you breathe, you were making him lose his mind.

He turned his head to face you, his eyes going wide at the view. Your features were highlighted a warm orange and your soft grin was making him melt, you looked breathtaking. The sun hit your eyes just right, making them shine. His mouth almost fell open, he can't help it, he's so in love with you, his heart beats fast just thinking about you.

His breath hitched as he felt your delicate lips against his cheeks, almost losing control over the bike.

"Is that what you wanted?"

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