chapter 6

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 16th July 1994:

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 16th July 1994:

It's been two months since your first visit to the Sano family. Ever since then it became like a second home to you, and it was. You had become quite close with the Sano's, and Baji too. He always came early to his karate practice when he knew you were there, so he could play with you.

When you're not with the Sano's you're with your own family, you parents are busy people so you and your older brother usually play together. Your older brother stayed with your grandparents when you were with the Sano's, your parents didn't want to bother anyone with two kids since one was already difficult, so they split you up.

You were being brought to the Sano's by your father today. You'd be staying for four days this time, it was longer than usual but you weren't complaining.

Your father dropped you off at the front gate and gave you a tight hug followed by a soft kiss on your forehead. You waved him goodbye and excitedly rang the doorbell to the Sano residence.

Manjiro excitedly opened the door, he knew it was you. He had a large smile on his face as he pulled you into a hug, you happily hugged him back. The hug was warm and comfortable, you enjoyed hugging Manjiro a lot. His body was always warm and soft and his hugs were so tight that it felt like he was protecting you from anyone who would dare try to take you from him. Deep down, you had a feeling as if that was the exact reason why he hugged you so tight.

The hug ended and Manjiro pulled you inside the house with him. He seemed more excited than usual and it made you really curious.

You arrived in the living room and were immediatly greeted by Sakurako, she kissed your forehead and left for the kitchen. Manjiro pulled you further into the living room, he stopped in front of the couch. You could see a small girl with honey blonde hair sitting on the couch, you stared at her for a while and then looked back at Manjiro with a cofused face. He was smiling and looking at you expectantly. When he saw your confused face he laughed.

"That's my sister!"

"Sister? I didn't know you had a sister." You were positively surprised when Manjiro revealed he had a sister, you hadn't seen her before and you really curious about her.

"Me neither, she's only been here since wednesday. Her name is Emma."

"Like a foreigner?"

"Yes, so I'll be Mikey from now on, so she won't feel left out." He smiles, his smile seems a bit more mature than usual though. You can't help but laugh a bit. His cheeks turn a little red when he hears you laugh at him.

"What's so funny?"

"You looked so serious, it was funny."

He pouted and looked away from you, but you could see his red ears peek through his hair. You laughed even harder, he was adorable when he blushed and pouted like that.

Manjiro looked back at you when your laughing increased. Your pretty face made him blush even more. He took your hand and pulled you to his room.


You grab ahold of his hand and follow him, your laughter subdued and turned into a smile. You both entered his room and you ploffed down on the bed. He sat down next to you and stared at you for a while as you grabbed his pillow and hugged it, resting your head on top of it as you do so. His gaze catches your attention and you both quickly make eye contact.

"Y/n. Will you call me Mikey?"

Silence befalls the room as you ponder about his question for a bit.

"Do you want me to?"

"I don't know."

"If you don't mind then I wanna keep calling you Manjiro, it feels more familiar." You're softly smiling, a kind and gentle smile. You like the name Manjiro, and you like calling him that. You also doubt that you'd be able to remember to call him Mikey instead of Manjiro.

Something about your words make Manjiro feel a bit glad, he didn't realise it before but he really likes you calling him Manjiro. The thought of you calling him Mikey wasn't that appealing to him. His smile became even brighter and he threw himself on you, hugging you tightly and rolling around the bed with you. You laugh and hug him back, not as enthausiastic as him but equally happy.

You hug eachother and play together on the bed for a bit longer before you're both exhausted. You lie next to him on the bed, still giggling and panting a little. Mikey gets up from his bed and pulls you with him.

"Lets go play outside, Baji should be here soon."


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