Chapter 9

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 24th October 1994:

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Tokyo, Shibuya, 24th October 1994:

Halloween was approaching, for four-year-olds like you it was a big event. You had been looking forward to this for months, you really liked dressing up in cool attires. It was also the only time of the year where you could wear silly things like a pumpkin costume or cat ears.

Sakurako had given the both of you some fairytale books she had found while cleaning, they weren't really special or anything, just Cinderella or little red riding hood.

You were currently reading them with Mikey, you both got bored, and he didn't mind reading if it was with you. Mikey was listening while you were reading it out loud, it was mostly a picture book with about one sentence of text on each page. This made it easy to read, even for a four-year-old like you.


Manjiro looked at you when he let out a soft humming sound, curious as to why you stopped reading.

"We should dress up as little red riding hood and the wolf for Halloween!" You looked at him with an excited face and a bright smile. You had just gotten this amazing idea and you wanted nothing less than to see Mikey excited too.

Mikey looked at you with a puzzled expression before also smiling. "Sure!" He hadn't really thought about what he would wear on Halloween, so this actually worked out. Besides, he didn't want to see that beautiful smile disappear from your face.

"Yay! You can wear one of my red skirts then, I'm sure I have one that fits you."


It took Manjiro some time to realise what you said, and his face immediately turned red. He thought you'd be little red riding hood. And he was kind of looking forward to seeing you wear a cute red skirt and little red bows in your hair

"No!" He jumped off his seat and glared at you, his cheeks burning red. He looked so cute that it was hard to hold in your laughter when he glared at you.

"You have to be little red riding hood! I'm going to be the wolf!"

"But I wanna be the wolf! And you agreed to being little red riding hood!"

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!"

You kept bickering about who was going to be who and both of you got really mad about it.

You wanted to be the wolf because it's way cooler, and you thought that Mikey would look cuter in a red skirt. Mikey wanted to be the wolf for the very same reason. He wanted to see how adorable you'd look in the red skirt. And he didn't want to wear a skirt, that'd hurt his pride as a guy after all.

"I'm not going to wear a skirt! Those are for girls!" His face was still red because of the embarrassment, but now also because of anger. He just couldn't believe you wanted him to put on a skirt.

You glared back at him as you closed the book and stood up. "It's not even that bad, you're just a coward." You stuck out your tongue in a mocking way. The book you were reading was thrown onto the couch when you walked away from Mikey, trying to leave the room.

"I'm not a coward!" Mikey grabbed your wrist harshly. Your words had a significant impact on him and there was no way he would just let you leave like that.

"I'm not a coward and I'm not going to be little red riding hood!"

You turned around and pulled your wrist out of his grip with a snarl on your face. "I'm not going to be her either! I said I was going to be the wolf first!"

It was the first time you had ever gotten this angry at Mikey. No, it was the first time you had ever gotten angry at Mikey at all.

The both of you had become best friends rather quickly. It was surprising that you'd never had a fight up till now. Maybe it was because you knew each other well, or because your likes and dislikes overlapped with Mikey's.

This was your first time experiencing such a situation with Mikey and you didn't know what to do. You didn't want to see him angry nor sad, but you also didn't want to give up on your statement. It would make you seem weak, and your pride just wouldn't allow it. No matter how hard you wanted to give up and apologise, you just couldn't.

"No! I'm going to be the wolf!" Mikey's voice had barely reached your ears when you felt his hands on your chest. Unlike the soft and gentle touches he usually gave you this one was hard and rough.

He didn't mean it, he really didn't. His anger just got a hold of him. And it happened before he could come back to his senses.

Mikey didn't know why he got this mad, it was just a silly little costume. Normally, he would do whatever made you happy. No matter if it was ridiculous or embarrassing, if it made you smile, he would do it.

But today was different, he had been feeling pissed the entire day. Not even your presence soothed him, and it usually does. You asking him to dress up in a girl costume for Halloween was the final drop.

You never expected him to push you. And by the looks of it, he never did either

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