Chapter 1

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Its the first day of Prem in his college. He's excited as well as nervous too. Entering the college he finds his way to faculty registration. That's where he meets Pharm and Manaow and become friends with them.

They all decided to meet at the canteen after completing their club registration.

Team's POV

After parting with Pharm and Manaow I decided to search for the swimming club as I am walking towards the club, I am having this weird feeling not knowing what.

As I go towards the pool I am surprised because I didn't see anyone here, maybe I am early here then regular time I thought. As I am praising me in my mind for coming early that's when I saw someone sinking in the pool. Being worried I jumped into the pool without any second thought and by holding and pulling him we both came above the water.

We both were holding each other and seeing him I just become too shock to utter something and I don't know how many emotions are flowing through me. I know its a damn very strange situation but I am feeling a strange connection with him.

Boun's POV

From morning onwards I am getting this different type feeling which is making me feel irritated as I don't know what it is. To get it out of my mind I decided to go to the swimming club early. The club time is 9 am but I arrived at 8 am I am in the pool practicing my breath holding capacity and suddenly I feel someone jumping into the water and the next moment we both holding each other came above the water. Its now when I am feeling stuck seeing him.

I don't know how many emotions are going through me but I just couldn't take my eyes away from him and neither I am able to say anything.

When I am thinking only that what is happening he asked me 'Are you fine?'

Prem's POV

Being worried I asked him 'Are you fine?' and he is just staring at me not leaving me with a completely blank face, then I snapped at him and he asked with a shocked expression 'what'. I understood that he had not listened to me so again I asked him 'is he fine' to which he responded by saying 'yeah' with a smiling face.

Then we both got out of the pool to the dressing room that's when he asked me 'who I am and what am I doing here' so I told him that I came here for registration.

Boun's POV

As he told me that he had come here for registration I informed him that it's still early and others might be arriving by now to which he nodded. I saw that he is completely drenched and he looking at himself with a worried expression. I told that I do have a extra pair of uniform that I can lend to him to which he first thought for a moment then he agreed, to which I think he didn't have any other option.

I lended my extra pair of uniform to him and he went to change. By that time others have also arrived at the club.

Prem's POV

When all the other seniors arrived they started introducing themselves as, Dean as the President of the club and Boun as the vice president, good atleast I got to know his name hehe and afterward they started filling forms. After completing my registration I decided to go to the canteen where Pharm, Manaow and I have decided to meet.

As I am sitting in the canteen with my mind completely occupied by that senior named Boun actually P'Boun sorry. I don't understand what's going on but he has something in him that makes me curious about him.

Just when my thoughts were wondering about him Pharm and Manaow arrived and we started chatting as we tell each other about our registration in clubs. Pharm has chosen cooking club, listening that I feel happy that I can have tasty foods as I am a big foodie and Manaow has taken drama club as she also became drama queen of our group.

After attending our classes we parted our ways to go back to our homes. As I am on my way to my home my mind is still occupied with P'Boun. I keep thinking about him that how handsome he is, his smiling face, which is making me blush, oh god!, I just couldn't get him out of my mind I don't know what he is doing to me but I understood one thing that I need to know more about him.

Boun's POV

During the time of registration I was unable to take my eyes away from him, that's when I got to know his name Prem and from that time my mind is been filled by his thoughts only.

As I am on my way to my home, all I am doing is thinking about him, how cute he looks, how adorable he is, flustered he looked when we were in the pool when I was holding him.

Now I can confirm that I have gone completely insane and sure about that I need to know more about him and have to talk to him so that I can become close to him. Even by just thinking about his name something is going on my stomach; oh god! I have for sure losted my mind.

As I'm walking towards the lift to go to my room that's when I see him again.

Prem's POV

Just when I am in the front of the lift waiting for it to come I watch P'Boun approaching me and I feel stuck for a moment on my place as nor I am able to move neither to speak after few seconds gathering my thoughts I correct my posture and greeted him 'Hii P'Boun' (thank God that I didn't stutter), but he is just staring into my eyes, then he greeted me back not breaking our eye contact 'Hii Prem'(listening to him saying my name only I felt butterflies in my stomach, God knows what gonna happen ahead ).


Thanks for reading this story🥰🥰 and if you are liking my story please remember to vote and comment❤, as it means a lot to me and encourages me to write ahead😊.

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