Chapter 23

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Boun's POV

I woke up to the alarm sound, switching it off I again turned around to see the love of my life hugging me his head on my chest sleeping peacefully, my dream of living with my pao under one roof has been succeeded, god knows for how much I waited for this day, at the starting I was nervous as what if Prem wouldn't agree but he did and here we are

I know I can look at him for my entire life like this him breathing in and out slowly , his hair disheveled, looking so cute but its already late and I have to wake him up otherwise this cute face will run after me for waking him late if he misses his classes

I slowly pecked his forehead and whispered in his ears

Boun: my baby please wake up sun has already risen and birds are chirping

But rather he started laughing and look at me not getting out my embrace

Prem: oh hia if I hadn't woken up by the alarm I would have missed these moment, hia are you waking up some baby ishh so cheesey

I got shock that he is just pretending, fine with me two can play this

Boun: means you have already woken up and are just pretending to sleep, were you trying to make a fool of me

Prem: you were so lost in day dreaming when you have just woken up

He said laughing I pretended to be angry

But again he laughed

Prem: seriously hia I have gotten to know all your tactics till now, don't pretend to sulk I know you are acting

Listening to him I got over him making him giggle, god I can listen to this sound my whole life

Boun: so you really know me so well and I was waking up my baby

I said and kissed him

But he pulled away

Prem: hiaa for god sakes let's brush our teeths first

Boun: ow what God will do in it

I said smirking

Prem: god hia just got up from me and let me get ready for college, you are really shameless

Boun: fine but let's take bath together

Prem: oh please then it wouldn't be a bath only and we will again get late

Boun: then let's stay like this

Prem: hiaaa

I don't why but he is smirking

Boun: what

And he started tickling me making me laugh and fall in the bad next him and he got up on me and continue with the tickling making me gasp for air

Boun: stop stop

And immediately ran to the bathroom laughing and shouting

Prem: it's the best way to control you hia

Seriously he has gotten more naughty with time

I decided to cook till he gets ready as he really takes a long time to shower, that a person can cook, eat and leave for their work in the meantime (fine I exaggerated)

After some time I finished cooking I went to the room and I saw him putting on his shirt so I went to him and started buttoning his shirt as he smiled

Boun: babe you should stop spending so much time in shower

Prem: why it's not like we are running out of water, we are but we are also not aish just leave it

I rolled my eyes listening to him

Boun: yeah we are not but you are taking the time which we could spend together, you didn't even let bath with you

Prem: hia it's better and other than the times bathing together whenever you shower alone I am not even sure if you bath properly or not and just come out if the bathroom washing your face as come in 5mins only like who can shower like that

Boun: whattt, I shower properly okay that's why my body looks this good and you like my body

Prem: you are really shameless

Pao said as I teased him and he pushed me inside the bathroom and I can see him blushing

After sometime we were eating our breakfast with in between feeding each other

Prem: hia should I go to the college by car my today

Boun: why would you go on your car

Prem: I thought as you will have to go to the office today and you might get late

Boun: no baby I will drop you I will not get late as your college is in the way of my office only and I will pick you up also just give me a call okay

Prem: yeah I forgot that but hia wouldn't your work got disturbed if you pick me up

Boun: don't worry baby let's try for some time and if it doesn't work out you can take your car okay as I also wouldn't like you to wait and also it's my first day to work and I want to go with you then if you want you can take your car from tomorrow

Prem: that would be better hia 'coz I don't want people to question your work or you because of me now let's go otherwise we will get late

And here he is thinking about me first always, I am really lucky to have such a understanding partner and that we can communicate every little thing

Boun: we won't but give me my morning kiss now first

He smiled and kissed me

I stopped my car in front of the college gate and pao unbuckled his seat belt and turned to me and suddenly said

Prem: hia it's your first day at the office, I know you are nervous even if you won't say but believe me and in yourself hia that you are awesome and you can do it you are capable of it, don't think too much about the future hia just work your best now

Boun: yeah my pao can say sensible words also

Prem: hiaaa, fine just go I won't talk to you

I chuckled listening to him

Boun: I was joking pao and yes I was nervous but your trust in me is enough to motivate me

He smiled as I said that and kissed me

We kissed for a few minutes

Prem: all the best hia, I love you

Boun: I love you too my love

After that I drove to my office, the people in there are nice as I have met them when I helped my dad a few times and like I literally grow their seeing my dad working hard day and night and those people

Some of them were shocked when they came to know that I was starting as a assistant of finance manager

It's not a low post but they have thought that I would join a CEO directly which is impossible I have to gain experience to get there and my parents support that

I wish to learn things and get some experience so that one day I can handle this company and make it grow more just like my father and my family, friends and especially my pao can be proud of me....

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