Chapter 16

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Prem's POV

We all played at the beach when hia also picked me up and spun me around in the water, throwing water on each other jumping on one another, we enjoyed a lot except for Sammy as she was not feeling well she stayed in the room getting some rest and P'Phruk stayed to take care of her

While hia and P'Dean were discussing something both me and Pharm were sitting by the beach playing with sand building houses

Prem: so did you enjoyed the last night Pharm

I asked teasing Pharm

Pharm: don't you dare tease me Prem

Pharm said as he started blushing

Prem: oho someone's blushing here should I call P'Dean

Pharm: Prem no and how can you tease me hmm, why don't you tell me what happened between you and P'Boun last night

Fine now it backfired, I should have thought before teasing Pharm
(Karma dear)

Prem: what are you talking about nothing happened between us last night

Pharm: yes yes ofcourse like I would or any one will believe you when you have hickeys on your neck

Prem: what really

I said to him while I started checking my neck as if I can see it without mirror
(Stupid you have your phone with you,
Yeah I just forgot about it)

Pharm: it's good that at least you wore a t-shirt and didn't took it off otherwise who knows what we would have seen

Prem: fine sorry now stop teasing me

Pharm: okay so tell me.....

We both keep on talking for sometime when hia and P'Dean came to us

Boun: Pharm pao lets go and eat something first you can play later

Prem: okay hia

Dean: you guys go ahead I will go call Phruk and Sammy

After sometime we were all eating in a restaurant and Sammy is also feeling well now

Sammy: P'Phruk friends let's go for shopping after eating

Prem: really sammy all you can think of is shopping

Sammy: same as all you can think of is eating

Prem: Sammy stop it

Sammy: you started it first

Pharm: who will say you were not feeling well just a few hours ago

Sammy: whatever

Dean: fine we can roam around and can check shops here

Later we were all roaming around the streets with our partners

Boun: pao I know a place let's go there

Hia said and started taking me where ever he said holding my hand

Prem: hia where are we going

Boun's POV

I took pao to a crystal store, I know that he will surely love there

Prem: hiaa it's really beautiful here see how many different types of crystals are here, I really love crystals hia

Boun: yes I know that's why I took you here you can check around the shop and take whatever you like

Prem: okay

He jumped around the stalls checking different crystals some jewelleries made up of them while I was talking to the owner of the shop who is my friend also as I am meeting him after a long time

After sometime pao came to me while I was checking some crystals

Prem: hia I have gotten something for us

Prem: hia I have gotten something for us

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He showed me some bracelets

Prem: hia I have taken these couple bracelets for us do you like them, you don't mind wearing them right

Boun: pao how could you even think so rather I would love wearing them with you and these are really pretty

Prem: really hia

He said smiling big jumping on his place

Boun: yes let's go and pay

We both went to the billing counter

As I started to pay pao stopped me

Prem: no hia I will pay for them

Boun: what, no let me pay okay

Again he stopped me

Prem: hia first thing I took them for us and we are not going to be like a typical couple where only one person pays all the time

Boun: but pao

Prem: no hia you have already paid for everything and didn't even charged us so let me do it, we can take turns for this okay sometime you pay and sometimes I will like whenever we eat outside or we buy something, okay hia

Boun: fine you can pay

Arthit (Boun's friend and owner of the shop): Boun is he your boyfriend, he is really cute

Boun: yeah I know that and yes he is my boyfriend so don't even put your eyes on him

I said as pao slapped my hand

Prem: hii phi I am Prem hia's boyfriend

Arthit: hii Prem good to meet you but I don't think your boyfriend is happy to let you meet me

Boun: yeah it's not like that

Arthit: I know I am just joking and don't worry I already have a girlfriend

We paid and left the store

We enjoyed and shopped some more, eating delicious foods from the stalls as their food are really tasty

We didn't even realise how fast the days went and we had to return, it was one of the best holiday of my life with my boyfriend and friends

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