Chapter 7

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Bouns POV

Damn it man he's really too cute to handle and what did he just said how much I charge for tutoring, fine I will take my charges from you my salapao just you wait.

Next day while driving to college I asked him to come my dorm so that we can study to which he agreed. After completing our classes first we have our lunch and after that we head right to our respective dorms and I told him to get freshen up and then come to my dorm to which he agreed.

3rd Person POV

After some time Prem went to Boun's room and settling themselves they started studying.

'See you can solve this question like this it would be easy that way' Boun explained to Prem

'Ohh hia it's easy for you to say that as you are intelligent but not me I am stupid' Prem replied.

Listening to this Boun smacked Prem's head and said 'of course you are stupid as you are labelling yourself like that not coz you can't understand these equations, see I am teaching you na right now so please try to understand and if don't get anything just ask to me and I will try to explain you in different way, got it'

'Yes sir Boun' Prem agreed by teasing him and they both chuckled.

After that they both studied through dusk mostly Boun teaching Prem with patience and he understood that Prem is not weak in studies rather he just didn't focus on them.

'Let's stop for today we will continue tomorrow' Boun said

'Finally hia I thought you were planning to kill me thank God it's done' Prem exclaimed

'aww my dear pao who said that it's done I said we are just done for today you are going to study with me till your exams and don't even try to run away from me' Boun told Prem

Ohh my goodness again my heart started beating fast he said my dear pao to me 🤭, aish he dears me (you listened to that author, yeah I listened and also understood that you so stupid that you can't even differentiate between loving and mocking tone you idiot get away from here author let me think the way I want single author; author 🥲🥲)

'fine I got it and for your information I am with you most of the time, I go to uni with you even we have same club and I return with you too and for God sakes we even live in same building how can I even run from you and by chance even if I ran away from you can't you catch me, tell me' Prem said

'for sure I can catch you pao but dont you even think of running away from me' Boun said

'But we are just friends right what right do you have over me and by what means am I bound to you that I can't leave you you' Prem asked with confidence to tease boun

While talking they both were getting close to each other, there faces were nearly touching

'Do you really don't understand or do you want me to make it clear to you right now that what we have' Boun replied getting more close to Prem as if there's anymore space left

Listening to this Prem's face turned red and Boun was just about to kiss Prem. Just then Prem jumped from his place and Boun also got shock.

'Fine hia as you said that we are done for today I am taking my leave goodnight hia sweet dreams thank you for helping me' saying this Prem ran out of bouns room

Ohh God I was just trying to tease hia but it got opposite, God knows how can he turn his personality that soon one sec he was seriously teaching me and another sec he can flirt with me like that, hia has started getting more bold about us, ahhh what will I do now think Prem think.

Thinking this he jumped on his bed, but what should I do hia is so handsome and hot that I couldn't control myself anymore and to say what hia was just about to kiss me yeah just kill me I can't handle this God atleast let me complete my these exams before I completely lost all my senses. Okay Prem just don't think much now and try to sleep but he was just about to kiss me fine I am done now

Whereas Boun was thinking

Yeah was he just trying to tease me God he's really testing my patience as I am done taking time now, I know what I want and what is right for me and I can't wait to ask my pao to go out with me, to date him, to make him my boyfriend, till now I have controlled myself enough but not anymore.

We were just about to kiss now but he again ran away from me, fine my pao try as much as you want but just till we are done with our exams and then I am not letting you run away from me, you really think you can tease me just so you wait till tomorrow.

Meanwhile with prem

What should I do I just can't stop thinking about that kiss (fine we didn't kiss but we were about to) right I should tell pharm about it

'Are you awake' I messaged him

'yes what happened Prem' he replied

Then I called him

Pharm: yeah what happened why did you call at this time I was talking with P'Dean you disturbed me

Prem: What!! now see who's talking is P'Dean more important to you than me now, how could you do this to me pharm 😭

Pharm: Get over with your acting and now tell me why did you call me

Prem: yeah I totally forgot about that, you know what
(Prem whispered) hia was just about to kiss me

Pharm: whaaat!!!

Prem: aish man don't shout

Pharm: what do mean by don't shout you told me that P'Boun is going to teach for the exams but what were you guys doing now

Prem: no it's not like that actu

Pharm cutted Prem in mid sentence

Pharm: than what is it like actually hun are you being with him more to study or what else

Prem: yeah would you listen to me first than shout

Pharm: fine tell me the details

Then Prem told everything to Pharm in details (yeah it's common between friends to tell eachother everything and that's what friends are for)

Prem: actually you know hia had started getting more bold about us than before, he even openly flirts with me also, I am not understanding what should I do

Pharm: first calm down Prem and tell me one thing you like P'Boun or not

Prem: of course I like him

Pharm: so tell me would you accept him if one day he proposes to you

Prem went silent for few seconds

Pharm: I asking you something Prem

Prem: yes I would absolutely accept him without any doubt

Pharm: then what's the problem, just stay calm for now and focus on your exams and we will see after that

Prem: yeah you are right thanks for listening to me and giving me the right advice again

Pharm: good now go to sleep and don't think much, goodnight

Prem: goodnight

After cutting the call Pharm thought in his mind, ohh God even when they haven't kissed for real and Prem is like this who knows what will happen when P'Boun will kiss him for real and would do more, huh may God save Prem from P'Boun.


There's going to be the proposal scene🥰🥰 in next few chapters tell me are you excited about it...

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