Chapter 17

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Prem's POV

We arrived at our dorm and hia came to my room also.....

Entering the room I immediately ran to my bed and jumped on it laying comfortably, the trip has really drained my energy but I also liked it very much no no... actually I loved it as it was my first trip with hia and we all really enjoyed it as it would always be memorable to us and imprinted on our minds and hearts

Prem: hiaa I am really tired I just want to sleep

Hia also came to sit on the bed beside me

Boun: you can rest but you have to complete your assignments also as classes are going to resume in few days only

Prem: yes hia I will and won't you help me to complete them

I made puppy eyes towards hia so that he would help me

Boun: don't you give me those eyes now you have to do your assignments by yourself got it, I also have my works to do

Prem: oh hia please don't you lie to me I know you are already done with your works before we went to the trip so why don't you help me

Boun: so you know everything about me

Prem: ofcourse why wouldn't I, I am your boyfriend hia

Boun: so my dear boyfriend what would will I get to help you, I even teach you for free

Hia teased me

Prem: c'mon hia don't start to tease me now

Boun: Who says I am teasing you I am asking for real

( Writing this I remembered the song 'who says' by Selena Gomez, God author don't you have anything else to do just get lost from here, fine I am going to listen to the song now, just go away)

Saying this he hoverd upon me making me shock

Prem: hia what are doing

Boun: nothing I am just asking for my fees

Fine if you want it you will get it

I suddenly flip us over, now I am above the hia

Prem: fine if you want it so much then

I slowly bend towards hia, he really has that stupid grin on his face

And suddenly I started ticking him and he started laughing loudly

Boun: pao p..pao stop

Prem: so now you want your fees

Boun: no no I don't want it

Prem: you sure I can give you more if you want

Boun: oh no just stop

Chuckling we laid there getting relax and hia hugged me tightly leaving no space between us

Prem: hia I love you, you know it was really one of the best trips of mine and I will never forget it

Boun: same with me too pao, I love you so much too pao

Just like that days and time went and we are near to the completion of our first year

Both me and hia were eating in a restaurant when hia said

Boun: pao I have something to talk to you

Prem: what is it hia

I said with food stuffed in my mouth

Boun: first finish your food or else you would again choke on the food let's talk after going to our dorm

Prem: what happened hia you are scaring me

Boun: oh no pao it's nothing like that I just have something to discuss with you it's nothing serious don't have tension

Prem: okay if you say so

Boun: pao can you sleep with me tonight

Prem: oh hia you don't have to ask me everytime you can just tell me and anyways it's now rare that we don't sleep together
Sometimes you sleep in my room or sometimes I sleep in your room so why are you asking now

Boun: fine I understood

Hia said bringing spoon to my mouth and stuffing the food into my mouth

Boun: now eat first

After eating we went to hia's room...

Getting fresh we were laying on the bed with my head on hia's chest and he's softly caressing my hair

It always feels too good whenever he does that I feel like all my worries have been lifted

Prem: so hia what did you wanted to talk about

Boun: you know that right it's my.....

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