Chapter 5

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Boun's POV

All this time I have understood that I do feel good about him, likes his company, love's the way he blushes, gets shy, talks, yeah I know that I like him completely now. For the first time when I saw him in the swimming clubs pool my heart beat just stopped for a second seeing him. I have never seen anyone as beautiful, cute, handsome and sexy at the same time. The worry and tension were visible in his eyes for me and from that moment I can't get him out of my mind and within very little time he made a space for himself in my heart, that now it feels I can't live without seeing him though I know it's been a few days only since we met but it's how my heart felts. The way he cares for other's, look's after them and do not think about himself.

Prem is so selfless, pure, innocent, cute, lovable, adorable, handsome (oh my dear God I wouldn't be able to stop myself by adoring him and could write a whole book about his features and personality and, fine let's stop here we have to move on with the story you can keep complimenting him in your mind). To sum up my feelings I like him and if my guess is right than I feel that he also might have some feeling towards me.

But it's just that I want us to take some time as we have met recently only not to rush, to understood each other more, spend some more time with each other that's why I asked him to go to college with me and also the reason why I asked him out today. Though I know that I told him that we are just going to hangout but the way we have spent the day together it seems like a date and to be honest I did planned it to be like this. Maybe he had guessed it but actually it's just too good that we understand each other well in such a short span of time. And it seems like he also knows that we can't rush in this type of feeling and have an understanding, have confidence in ourselves to accept this feeling of love towards each other so that we can move ahead with it, that we have maturity in our feeling and that it's not just an attraction rather a connection between us. If there's one thing about which I am fully sure that he is the one and have no doubt about it and seeing him happy and enjoying himself it makes me feel contented.

Completing our dinner I asked him  'Prem did you enjoy today, do you want to go somewhere else or would want to do something else'
'oh hia I can't even express in words that how much I enjoyed today you don't know how happy I am right now and to be with you and for your question that if I want to something else, could we go for a walk after getting home as I have eaten too much as the food is way too delicious 😅' said Prem getting little shy.
'of course we can go and it's good that you like the food and enjoyed' I told him and after getting home I parked the car and went for a walk with Prem.

Prem's POV

As I had said before that today's all planning have been done by hia but what I didn't know is that he had planned all this like a date, yes a date you call this a date only not hanging out and I know that. The efforts which he have putten in to make the day memorable means a lot me. From the first moment I have seen him, the way my heart started beating fast seeing him,me getting worried this much for an unknown person,jumping into the pool without thinking anything is not normal, I know that I may sound like someone crazy and lunatic but I realised that we have some connection between us but I wasn't sure at first I thought what if it's just a mere attraction, what if I am not able to understand my feelings, what if he doesn't feel for us in the same way, what if he already have someone, all his care, attention is only coz I am his junior.

But with time as he asked me to go to college together, started spending time with him, his care and attention towards me, by going out today with him though I know it's only been a few days I understood that I am wrong as I spend more time with him I came to understand that he is the one, he's not just a mere attraction, he does care for and give attention to everyone but not in the way to me, he not only thinks of me as his junior, with time I got it that it's not just me who feels that but he also feels the same way as me.

I know that our feelings are mutual but I want to give time to us to the relationship which may be born and to not rush through it and it's best that we both understood that without even saying anything like today only but I know that we also need to talk about our feelings at some point when the time is right but it's best to give some time to ourselves and us to understand things more to have understand and know more about each other, to enjoy this period and seeing him happy today I am happy.

After walking for some time we both head to our rooms feeling contented in our hearts and happy for everything.


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