To my reader's 🩷🩷

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Oh god I can't even imagine my story has crossed 1k reads I am really happy guys 🥹🥹
but all this couldn't happen without your support

To all my readers I thank you guys so much for your time you are giving to my story, I remember when I got my first read then one hundred, five hundred and every time it motivated me to write more even if I can't give it my much time

I can't thank you guys enough

I am so happy that I can't sit still I am literally jumping around my house and my family is thinking that I have gone crazy

I can't even tell them🙅 about it otherwise I would be out of my house next minute

(I am joking guys😂 but who knows if that could happen in real, that's why it's better to keep my mouth shut)

Anyways I am so happy right now

Thank you so much my dear readers ❤️❤️

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