Chapter 20

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After dinner both Boun and Prem went to the Boun's room, it's the first time for Prem to come here even though both of them have slept together many times but in Boun's own room it's his first time that's why Prem is very nervous

Boun: pao you can freshen up first, here you can take my clothes

Prem: okay hia

Prem went to bath while boun freshened up in a different room

Boun was sitting on the bed when Prem came out from the bathroom

Prem: oh you have already freshened up

Boun: yeah, come here let me dry your hair, why did you wash your hair at night what if caught cold

Prem went to sit down on the ground between Boun's leg with back facing him

Prem: oh hia nothing will happen to me

Boun: fine

Prem: hia tell me mom and dad are not upset with me na they like me right

Boun: really pao do you even need to ask me this or are you teasing me, didn't you see how they were treating you at the dinner like I don't even exist

Flashback Starts

Amporn: oh Prem eat this, you eat so less

Boun: seriously mom he is already eating too much like a buffalo

Amporn: shut up you idiot let me feed him myself, Prem dear eat this and don't listen to him

Atid: she is right Prem you should eat more

Atid said laughing at his son

Flashback Ends

Prem was laughing rolling on the floor when Boun glared at him he stopped laughing and sat on the bed trying to control his laugh

Prem: oh hia are you really sad, I am sorry

Prem said getting worried when Boun didn't say anything

But then Boun started laughing and Prem hit his shoulder playfully

Prem: hiaaa

Boun: aww baby I was joking, I couldn't be more happy pao and if my parents love you more I would be more than glad

Prem: thank you hia

Boun suddenly pulled Prem on the bed and hovered upon him and started kissing him and put his right hand under Prem's tshirt and started rubbing his nipples slowly and Prem started to moan

But suddenly Prem pushed Boun

Prem: hiaa you are really something we are at your parents house what if they listen to us

Boun: but pao

Prem: no way hia I am not listening to you let's just sleep

Boun: fine let's sleep

They both left the next morning and time went fast with the weekend coming over and they started preparing for Chiang mai

Prem: hia I am really scared what if my parents would be angry at me and didn't like you, I am telling you hia that I wouldn't leave you, I would do everything to convince them you won't worry okay, I would tell them how much I love you and you are really good and how good care you take of me

Prem suddenly started blabbering when Boun stopped him

Boun: pao pao listen to me even at the time of meeting my parents you got panicked like this and now also

Prem: but hia

Boun: no pao listen to me nothing will happen and even if your parents won't like we will try our best to convince them but I have a hunch that they will accept us

Prem: sorry hia it's just I love so much that I can't even imagine and can accept any reason for me to leave you and I don't know hia but I just can't imagine living without you now

Boun: baby I can't also live without you but we have to face things right

Prem: fine hia

Boun engulfed Prem in a hug and kissed his forehead and said to comfort him even if he is also nervous

Boun: don't worry pao nothing will happen

Even though Boun knew that Prem's parents were open minded and love their son and have trust in his choice but then also he is nervous, he decided to take something for Prem parents as a sign respect

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