Chapter 19

59 11 2

3rd Person POV

Prem: hia I am really scared what if they won't like me what will I do

Prem said as they were sitting in the car in front of the house

Boun: pao I told you na nothing will happen just come with me

Boun said and dragged Prem in front of the door and knocked

After a few seconds Boun's mother (Amporn) came and opened the door

Amporn: yes

Opening the door she looked at Prem with shock

Amporn: oh my god is he your boyfriend Boun

She asked looking at Boun to which he nodded

Prem: hello aunty, I am Prem

She hugged Prem

Amporn: oh hello dear come inside why are you standing outside

She immediately took Prem inside as she was so impressed with Prem even if it had not been 2mins

She has totally forgot about her son😂

(She really forgot me once she met him am I her son or him
Hahaha see she forgot you once she met Prem haha
Shut up author it's good that my parents will like them
Oh don't worry boun they will like him more than you
Why does it always happen with me

Both Amporn and Prem were sitting on the sofa in the living room when Boun came inside

Boun: mom are you serious you didn't even look at me or ask me how I am

Amporn: shut up you idiot

Boun: mommm

Amporn: leave him dear, god really how cute you look Prem and how beautiful you are

She said turning to Prem ignoring her son while Prem started getting shy

Prem is feeling delighted as Boun's mother is liking him

Prem: thank you aunty

Amporn: oh son you can call me mom no need for the aunty you are just like my own son

Prem got shocked listening to Amporn

Prem: aunty it means you accept me you don't have any problem with me

Amporn: oh my child why would I have any problem with you, you are such a adorable kid anyone will like you please call me mom

Prem felt too happy and said smiling big

Prem: okay mom

Amporn: aww see how adorable he is, Prem dear tell me one thing he didn't force you to be with him right, if he troubles or does not take care of you just come to me I will teach him a good lesson

Prem: no mom hia takes good care of me rather he does all the work as I don't know much

Amporn: oh it's good then he should work he is older and you are such a cutie he should take care of you

Prem: thanks mom

Boun is getting irrigated looking at the scene in front of him

Boun: am I even here do guys remember me or I am like air know, mom seriously I understand he is adorable but you just can't forget me like this I am your child and I am not that older than him

Boun whined

Amporn: yeah yeah fine just go call your father he went to shop to buy some snacks as Prem really likes them

Boun: seriously mom I am done with you guys

Prem: thank you mom for accepting me even if you don't know much about me, hia tooks good care of me and I promise you that I would not leave him in any situation I will with him in all his ups and downs, will always support him and also take good care of him, I also learn so much from him mom  he is the best thing that could happen to me

Amporn: so sweet of you Prem and don't worry we love you as well just like Boun 

After some time when three of them were talking Boun's father (Atid) came with a big bag filled with snacks and joined them

Prem he's Boun's father (Atid), Amporn introduced them

Prem: hello dad sor.. sorry I mean uncle actua.. actually as aunty told me call her mom thats why suddenly I called you dad I am sorry

Prem said getting scared as what if his hia's father got angry at him

But Atid started laughing

Atid: dear you should call me dad only you are so cute

Prem: thanks dad

Atid: son tell me one thing he didn't scare or force you to be with him right 'coz see you are so sweet and cute whereas he is just trying to make himself look cool

Boun: dad.. mom... what do you guys think of me you are making me look like a villain, after you came you didn't even look at me, you are liking him more than me

Atid : shut up you brat, see how sweetly he talks and didn't even complaint once

Prem: no dad hia is really good he's such a nice person

Atid: see even now he's supporting you whereas you are getting jealous of him and whining like a kid

Amporn: yeah you just go prepare the table I have prepared all your favourite dishes Prem

Prem: really thank you mom you didn't need to do so much you must be tired

Amporn: aww such a good kid

Boun left from there mumbling that how his parents are partial and who whines all the time only he knows

Atid: Prem till then you can eat these snacks I have bought them for you

Prem: dad mom you really did so much for me

Amporn: it's nothing dear

As Atid and Prem were talking Amporn went to the kitchen to help Boun

Boun: mom you guys are happy right, you like him right you are not angry at us na

Amporn: no my kid we trust your choice and we can see that he is really a good kid and I can feel he's going to get more importance than you

Boun: I would be happy mom if he's happy

Amporn: you both have our blessings

She said hugging Boun

They laughed and talked a lot while eating dinner...

Boun's parents make them stay for the night and after dinner they watch Boun's childhood photos with Prem teasing Boun.....

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