Chapter 3

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Boun's POV

As I asked him if he was fine but as soon as he saw me he smiled at me and gave me a look just like a kitten, I chuckled and seeing him like that I just wanna, I know you guys understood what he's thinking about 😂, oh no my stupid brain just stop thinking. Getting that thought out of my mind I asked him to go home together, but he looked at me surprised so I wondered what if he would have some other plans, thinking that I felt a little bad but I asked him if he had some other plan It's fine.

He smiled at me as I said that and said that it's not like that he's just thinking if it would be fine with me.

Now feeling relaxed that he didn't have any other plans I smiled at him and said ofcourse its fine with me as I was waiting for him only to go home together as we have came, but hesitatingly I told him that I forgot to ask him to exchange our numbers and don't know how to contact him but luckily I met him here.

Prem's POV

I think I have some serious disease in my heart as whenever I am talking to Hia my heart is beating like crazy and now also. As he asked me why am I looking worried how could I say to him that I wanted to go home with him but didn't know how to ask him and that's why I didn't even go with Pharm but I can't keep my smile to myself as soon as I see him and stop jumping in my head as Hia said that he was waiting for me to go home together with him and what he just asked me for my number (fine Prem he just asked for your number not like that he asked you to date him, yeah we know what you really think and want Prem).

As we got into his car he asked me if I havye eaten and just then my stomach growled, oh my I don't know how much more embarrassing it could get, getting shy I looked out of the window not answering him.

He didn't say anything but I for sure heard him chuckle but I ignored it as I am already embarrassed enough and he started driving.

We got down from the car as we reached a porridge shop near our hostel, I became happy as I really like the porridge they make here and it's damn tasty (yeah we know Prem no one knows the taste🍲 of the food better than you, fine author😅 don't tease me). We ordered our food and we started talking about our day and some random stuff.

I just can't believe even though we have met recently, I have become so comfortable around him like I don't have to pretend about anything, I can be myself with him without the fear of being judged.

Finishing our food as we go to pay he didn't let me pay, saying that it's his treat I can pay some other time as it's not the last time we are having food together and I thanked him for paying for me.

As we reached our hostel we exchanged our numbers so that we could contact each other and went to our dorms.

Changing into my comfortable clothes after getting freshen up I got into my bed. Laying down just as I took my phone , it buzzed and I became happy instantly as I received a text from P'Boun saying 'have you slept', 'did I disturb you',
Sitting up giggling excitedly I replied 'no I haven't slept yet and you can never disturb me' (i know it may sound a little cheesy but it's fine).

Boun's POV

At first I thought a lot that if I should text him or not but at last not being able to control myself I finally texted him and I instantly received a reply from him making me super happy and then I asked him what his plans are for tomorrow.

But sadly he said his schedule is fully packed as he has a lot of classes, my plan for asking him out (just for hanging out purposes and nothing else, yes yes boun we know you don't have to explain) failed. Then he replied again saying that the day after tomorrow he is free and if I want we can hang out together then. (Of course god he didn't even have to ask me but anyways who's going to tell him that), I replied saying yes immediately.

I asked him to go with me to college for as many days as possible and to which he first declined saying that it's not good as he will become a burden on me (which he can never) but as I explained to him he agreed.

After talking to him for a little while I remembered that he had a busy day tomorrow so I wished him Goodnight and went to sleep.

Prem and I come to the college together as to which we have agreed. During the ride we just kept talking about casual stuff as how things are going in his life, is he getting comfortable with the new college life and so on.

As we both arrived at the college we went to our respective classes. He told me not to wait for him as he might get late today but I told that I am going to wait He doesn't have to worry about it.

As our classes went by and I only got to see him during the club. I missed him a lot. And just like that day comes to an end, and I am waiting for him to come. It was eight at the night when he came.

He came running to me seeing me and I became happy instantly as soon as I saw his face. As he reached me he start apologizing to me "sorry hia you are late 'coz of me, sorry for letting you wait" seeing him like this I smiled at him saying "you don't have to be sorry, I was the one who said that I am going to wait for you and I am happy to wait for you. After that we both got into the car and during the ride he fell asleep as he looked really tired and I didn't wake him up.

But I know that he wouldn't have eaten anything so I drove to a nice restaurant to make him feel happy. As we reached there I woke him lightly "prem wake up please let's eat something first then you can sleep after going home". We both had our dinner and as he is really tired we didn't speak much and even the silence felt comfortable between us.

We got home and prem again said "hia I am really sorry once again as I am really tired I wasn't able to talk to you and you again paid for me and thank you so much for taking care of me". I told him that he doesn't have to as I am really happy with it. I once again reminded him of our plan tomorrow to which he agreed to smile beautifully and I don't know why but I just couldn't control myself as I really want to hug him now. But somehow I controlled myself and lightly ruffled his hair and said goodnight now go rest, we have a long day tomorrow.


Please try to ignore my grammatical mistakes, I am trying to do better.

😊 Thank you for reading this and please vote ❤ if you are liking the story and do comment and let me know your thoughts. If you have any suggestions you can tell me freely and I will try to improve myself.

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