Chapter 22

71 11 6

3rd Person POV

Prem: hiaaa where are we going I am asking you for the fourth time

Boun: and I am again telling you to be patient, I am not kidnapping you pao

Prem: who knows what if you took me away from my family and friends and kidnapped me and locked me down as literally you dragged me from my class as soon it got over, I didn't even get time to tell Pharm and Manaow

Boun: oh that's not a bad idea, by doing that I can keep you whole for myself

Boun said chuckling

Prem: fine don't tell me

After sometime they reached infront of a house

Boun: let's go didn't you wanted to know where are we going

Parking their car Boun took Prem holding his hand towards the door opening it

Prem: hia who's house is this

Boun: pao seriously how dense are you

Prem: hiaaa

Boun: fine this is our home where we are going to live from now on

Prem: what!, hia it's very big

Boun: yes

Prem: hia it would be expensive to live here, there would be many expenses and there...

Boun hugged Prem stopping him

Boun: pao I already told you about it earlier that you don't have to worry about it, I will take care of them and you just have to focus on your studies and build your career

Prem: fine

Prem said huffing

Boun: let's go see around the house

Under 1 week both of them shifted all of there things in their new house

It was night when they finally settled and from today they are going to live there

Prem: hia finally we are settled in your house

Prem said sitting on sofa

But Boun pulled Prem making him sit on his lap and slowly caressed his cheeks

Boun: pao from now on remember one thing

Prem: what hia

Boun: baby this is our house which we are going to make a home with our love and building memories got it

Prem: hia I am really so lucky to have you in my life

Prem said and put his arms around Boun's neck and pecked Boun's lips and pulled back but Boun pulled Prem back and kissed him holding Prem's waist more tightly and making him sit face to face

Prem tapped Boun's chest when he felt short of breath and leaving his lips Boun started kissing Prem's neck and Prem started pulling Boun's hair out of his bun making them fall on his face

The heat and tension between them started increasing

Boun: pao can we

Prem immediately nodded

Boun picked him up holding Prem by his hips and Prem circling his legs on Boun's waist and his hands on Boun's neck

Prem hide his face in Boun's neck getting shy

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