Chapter 9

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Boun POV

Just like that time passed quickly and today's the last day of Prem's exam, he studied hard and had given his best and I believe that would show in his results, my exam were over tomorrow.

As Prem would finish his exams I am planning to ask him out just wish that my plan would succeed.

I am waiting for Prem so that I can pick him up and than move ahead with my plan, as I was lost in my thoughts I saw Prem running towards me and he suddenly hug not that I mind I am too happy but by his sudden action I became shock but than immediately I hugged him back.

'Hia finally exams are over and I am confident that I did well in my exams I am very happy' Prem said jumping to me getting excited relief and happiness has written all over his face

'Yeah my pao your exams are over so now you are free and you can enjoy yourself' I said patting his head as we have 2 weeks holiday.

3rd Person POV

After that Boun took him for lunch first as it was already late and his pao must be hungry.

'So now what do you want to do pao as your exams are over now' boun asked

'I don't know hia I just want to relax and enjoy myself for these two weeks' Prem replied

'Okay but I have a place in my mind let's go there and you can both relax and enjoy yourself' boun told Prem

'Really hia where are we going' Prem excitedly asked boun

'No it's a surprise I won't tell you, lets finish our lunch after that we can go' boun said

'It's not fair hia please tell me na where are we going' Prem again asked but got nothing in return

After finishing there lunch Boun started driving to there location with a persistent Prem asking and bugging him that where are they going but Boun said that it would took some time to reach there so he can get some sleep as he would be tired

When atlast boun didn't give in to him Prem just decided to sleep and he dozed of next minute as he was really tired

Whereas boun was thinking in his mind and was praying that may everything go just according to his plan


A few days before boun had made a group with his and Prem friends to ask for their advices and to inform them

Pharm: What happens P'Boun why did you suddenly created a group that even without Prem

Boun: It's not that I just wanted to ask for your guys help.... actually I am planning to ask Prem out but I don't have any idea of how to do it

Sammy: Oh my god! Really P'Boun are you really going to do that thank God finally

Ohm: Yeah it's actually good we were waiting for a long time for you to do it and we do support you boun

Boun: Thanks for your support guys

Pharm: Yes Phi, Prem would be really happy but what do you need help with Phi

Phruk: yes how can we help you

Boun: Actually I don't know where to take him and how to tell him that I love him

Sammy: Really not only like but love someone is really whipped here guys

Phruk: Seriously Boun we can see how much you are into him and he also likes you

Boun: Can you guys just stop teasing me and help me for real

Pharm: You should just do what your heart tells you the best and just tell him whatever you feel about him

Sammy: Yes Phi as you also know that Prem is a simple person so what matters to him is what your feel for him and your true feelings only you can convey them

Ohm: They are right Boun what matters is how sincere you are that's the most important thing and just show that to Prem

Phruk: Just think of simple things where you both can enjoy yourselves and plan something romantic as it creates a beautiful ambience

Boun: okay fine I will take your advice into consideration and see what I can do thanks a lot for your help guys

Pharm: There's no need for thank you Phi we all support you guys may you guys always love each other


About one and a half hours later they arrived at their destination, boun had parked his car at a little bit distance away from the actual spot so that Prem could not see his surprise, he woke Prem up, Prem cutely rubbed his eyes while yawning asked him if they have arrived to which boun heart melted and said yes and after that he wrap a cloth on Prem's eyes and said just to follow him after reaching the place boun slowly get Prem down from the car and walk him to the spot boun told him to stand there and went ahead

'hia where are you, where are we, what are you doing hiaaa' Prem asked whining

'Just open your eyes now pao' Boun told Prem

And as Prem removed the cloth and opened his eyes he saw a beautiful view of a beach at one side there's a beautiful set up to eat and relax and at another side his hia sitting in a chair between a heart shaped decoration looking at him with so much love and adoration

As Prem opened his eyes boun took a deep breath and stared lovingly at his pao's eyes and started strumming his guitar playing the thai song my first and last person OST of unforgotten night series

( I just thought that this song displays the best emotions of the character of boun and I do really like this song )

As Boun done singing there were tears in both Boun and Prem's eyes. Boun stood up putting his guitar down and extended his arms Prem smiled and ran towards his hia and got into his arms hugging him tightly tears running down from both of their eyes.

Both were overwhelmed by the feeling of love for each other.

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