Chapter 12

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Boun's POV

I opened my eyes by the sound of my alarm, I quickly turned it off so that Prem does not wake up, as a beautiful person my centre of the world sleeping peacefully on my chest, I stared at his face before kissing his head and holding him tightly more close to my heart

After around half an hour later Prem stirred in his sleep, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands, he really does look like a kitten

Slowly lifting his face he looked up to my face and his face has expression of being shocked but instantly after few seconds he's blushing as his cheeks have turned red and he immediately again hugged me tightly hiding his face into my chest

I chuckled seeing him like this, oh god how can I take this much cuteness, he's really too adorable

'Pao are you shy about last night, you know na you don't have to be we just sleep together' I said to him

'hiaaaa how can you talk like this, how shameless are you' my pao whined complaining making me chuckle again

'ow how am I shameless when I am stating facts you are the one who kissed me also and now you are getting shy when we haven't even done anything ' I teased him

'hiaaa will you stop, if you tease me more I will not talk to you' he warned looking up to me hitting my chest playfully

Finally I decided to stop before he gets mad for real, I took his face between my hands and said lovingly 'pao you do remember right what happened last night and what we are now you know last night was one of best night of my life as having you by my side is all I ask for'

He looked into my eyes with the same affection and said 'hia you don't have to worry I know we are boyfriends, last night will always be memorable to me as we confessed to each other and you don't have to worry I will not go anywhere from you as from now you are my home, I love you hia too much I can't even imagine to live without you'

(Seriously how cheesey can you guys get
And like really author don't you have anything else to do that you can interrupt our romantic time just go away from here,
Yeah these ungrateful brats)

'I love you too pao more than anything and anyone else in the world' I said and kissed him lovingly

'lets get ready and meet our friends and inform them about us as both of our phones are flooded with their messages' I said laughing

After that we both got ready in our respective dorms, we have texted our friends that we will meet them at the cafe

We arrived at the cafe and to be honest it would be the first time that they all were on time, we can see their teasing smile as we went towards the table and join them

3rd Person POV

Pharm: without wasting anytime tell us what happened

Sammy: oh Pharm, you think that we really even need to ask them see the way they were looking at each other

Phruk: yes and how Prem is getting shy

Ohm: enough guys don't tease them let them talk

Pharm: yes so tell us

All of their eyes were on Boun and Prem, as they both started at each other before Boun said

Boun: we are together now, thanks for all your help guys

Prem: right thanks for all the decoration you guys did it was really beautiful

They all smiles at them

Ohm: your don't have to thank us we are here to support you

Sammy: yeah for God sakes finally no one is single in our group

Pharm: but isn't it weird that we three friends for together with these three

Prem: you are right as we think about it, it seems like it all have been planned

Sammy: tell us do guys had planned it beforehand

Ohm Phruk and Boun looked at each other and stared laughing

Boun: that's why these three are friends as they share the same braincells, it's called destiny

Prem: hia don't you guys tease us

Pharm: actually I have a plan if you guys agree to it

Ohm: what is it Pharm

Pharm: I was thinking as we have holidays why not go on a trip and enjoy ourselves because when classes will get started we all will get busy

Prem: you are right Pharm let's go on a trip, let's plan it

Phruk: yeah we don't have much time if we want to go let's go tomorrow

Boun: fine I don't think anyone of us have any problem so let's go together

Ohm: fine but where will we go

Boun: we can go to my family resort, it's not even far from here

Prem: are you sure hia they wouldn't mind

Boun: no pao they wouldn't mind, I just have to inform them as they always have some rooms left out for our own use so we can go there tomorrow

Sammy: paooo hiaaa, please PDA is not allowed here

Prem: Sammy (Prem shouted)

They all started laughing seeing Prem getting shy as it's a rare scene

Pharm: ohh then why is your face getting red Prem

Prem: will you guys stop teasing me, you both are not better than me that's why don't let me start

(Both phruk sammy and dean pharm are in a relationship)

Three of them were bickering and teasing each other while boun ohm and phruk were discussing the plan for the trip

Boun: fine you three can bicker some other time

Ohm: okay so let's pack our bags today and we will leave tomorrow early morning

Boun: yeah we can spend three days there as we don't have much time as our classes will start

Prem Sammy Pharm: yeah

Three of them shouted together jumping and by now everyone in the cafe were looking and laughing at them

After spending some time together laughing and joking they call it a day and decided to go home early as they have to leave early morning


To my dear readers I have changed the story cover as I tried to do some editing, to be honest I know nothing about all these things and I know it sucks but do tell me if you liked it and feel free to give me suggestions ❤️❤️

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