Chapter 6

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3rd Person POV

Next day as usual Prem and Boun went to college together, from yesterday onwards they have become more close and comfortable with each other.

Getting into campus Prem went to cafeteria to meet his friends where Pharm and Manaow were waiting for him.

'What are doing guy's', Prem asked sitting with them.
Seeing the teasing and questioning looks on their faces Prem said in his mind god am done now

'Ohh hii Prem, it looks like you finally got time for your friends', Pharm said 'yes finally we thought you got so busy with someone that you forgot about us' Manaow continued with Pharm teasing him.

'Why are you guys overreacting what did I do and for God sakes when did I ignored you. I just said that yesterday I won't be able to hangout with you as I have already some appointments' said Prem

'Thats not the problem Prem that you didn't went out with us but the thing is that we are seeing that you are spending less time with us and hanging out with some other person, it's not like we have any problem but you should atleast inform us we got worried about you' Pharm asked him.

Listening to Pharm, Prem felt shocked as he hadn't told anyone about boun and him, not like they are going out coz they are not but they do have a good bond.

'What cat got your tongue dear Prem' said Manaow hitting Prem's hand

'No no it it's n not l like that' Prem stuttered.

'Fine so tell us quickly whats going on between you and P'Boun' Manaow asked

'Whatttt, Prem shouted and everyone around them are staring at Prem now

'can you keep your voice low idiot' Pharm said to Prem

'whatt how can you even ask me to keep my voice low and how did you guys know that I spending time with hia Boun and that I went on a da I mean went to hangout with him yesterday' Prem questioned them

And now it's there turn to shout

'Whattttt' both of them shouted together again everyone were looking at them like that have gone crazy 'now who's shouting' Prem said and received another hit from Manaow

Oh God can you all three of you talk in a normal voice my head is started paining coz of your loud voices
Just shut up author and get lost for now we are having a important discussion here, Manaow said
Fine but you guys will need me hun
yeah yeah

'What you went out with P'Boun yesterday that's why you ditched us, like really and you didn't even told us anything' Prem scolded Prem

'it would be better for you if you open your mouth fast and tell us everything otherwise be ready to get killed by me' Manaow told him in a warning voice giving death glares.

'Fine I will tell you guys everything and it's not like that I didn't wanted to inform you but I just couldn't get a proper time and even I have to understand what's was going on' Prem said,

Prem continued 'the first time we meet was before the club registration, the time when I reached earlier at the club on the registration day....

Like that Prem told them everything even what he is thinking to do now that to just spend time and get to know eachother.

Listening to this both Pharm and Manaow supported him.

'You are on the right track Prem as if right now it's best to take time to yourselves and understand eachother as it's one of the most important thing a relationship needs' Prem encouraged him.

'Yes Prem, Pharm is right' Manaow supported him.

Just like that they spend some time together talking and laughing, teasing each other for their love interests and continued with their classes for the day.

Whereas at the same time Boun was also informing his two best friends Dean and Pruk about Prem and the decision which he has taken.
They both supported him as they have already know about what's going on in their friends life and they trust his decisions, that he knows what he is doing as he is really mature and understand things well.

Weeks have passed and both Prem and Boun were getting more close to each other but as they have said they didn't talk anything about their feeling to one another and have given time and space to understand themselves, with that their bonding, trust, understanding, love were getting more stronger with time and as days passed they were getting close to their college exams.

Prem's POV

Oh God the exams are near and I haven't studied anything it's not like I am stupid it's just that I am not that good in English and accounts and most importantly I don't even have much interest in these subjects.

I even asked Pharm to help me but he is already busy with Dean as they were dating now and I don't want to disturb them, please help me God I don't know what to do now I can't fail my exams.

The day has passed and I was waiting at the parking for hia to come so that we can go home, all day today I was very stressed as not knowing what to do. Just then hia came and we got into the car as he started driving I was silent the whole ride getting down from the car hia stopped me asked me to go to his dorm, I don't know why he wanted that but in last few months we have become so comfortable with each other that going to eachother room is common.

We went to his room, he went to the washroom to freshen up while I am sitting on his bed scrolling through my phone being immersed on my thoughts that I didn't even noticed when hia came and sit next to me.

I get out of thoughts when I heard him say my name salapao (yes that's what he has been calling me for some time now, and I really like it, it gives me a feeling of closeness with him as only he call me like that and only he can, it feels like that I am his only and the love in it which makes me happy, i really feel single writing this)
I turned towards him facing him, he very softly caressed my cheeks and asked 'whats wrong pao you are not yourself today you were even silent the whole ride'

Seeing him worried I replied 'its not like that hia I am just worried about the exams as you know that I am weak in accountancy and english and pharm is also not free to tutor me

Listening to me hia frown and instantly have a sad look on his face and I got worried looking him like that for few minutes he didn't speak anything so I asked him 'whats wrong hia why are you not speaking anything'

'pao how could you forgot about me, why didn't you just ask me for help even when I have already told you to ask me if you ever have any problem' said hia in a hurtful voice

'its not like that hia I know you told me to come to you if ever I have any problem but it's just that you also have your exams and I didn't want over pressure you, I am sorry hia if I hurt you' I replied hurriedly seeing hia sad

'oh no my pao you don't have to say sorry it's just that I don't want to see you stressed and worried and I won't be pressured by helping you so it's final that I am going to help you in your studies and there's no turning back to it got it' hia told me

'okay fine hia but how much you charge for tutoring' I asked him

And as I asked him he got angry and I understood that I have said the wrong thing

Before he could say anything I quickly said 'oh hia now don't get angry you know na I was just kidding hehe😅 fine hia now I will get going good night hia sweet dreams' I ran out of his room before he could scold me, oh God he looked so scary there thank God I am safe.


What do you think is Prem safe or not tell me in the comment section

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