Chapter 15

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Prem: actually hia it's nothing like that it's just that....

Boun: say it pao

Boun assured Prem

Prem: hia I am scared as I have read that it hurts and coz of that I really scared for having sex

Prem voice went low saying last words, while Boun hesitated as he doesn't know what to say coz what his pao is saying is true

They both were silent for few minutes which felt like eternity in the same position

Finally Boun gather his courage and said sincerely

Boun: pao listen I will not lie to you and it's true it would surely hurt at first time that's why you can decide if you want it or not and I will fully respect your decision. You don't have to feel like I will feel sad or get hurt as you are always my first priority

Prem eyes become wet due to feeling emotional by Boun's words as how much his hia respects and consider him and his choice, if he is comfortable or not

After few seconds Boun started getting up as he thought his pao is not comfortable suddenly when Prem pulled Boun towards him

Prem: hia it's true that I am scared even right now also but I do want to experience it with you as I want to do it with you that's why let's do it

Boun: are you sure pao you don't have to pressurise yourself

Prem: no hia I am not getting pressurise I do want to do it with you

Boun: if you say so pao but you have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable or feel hurt, you know that na I do love you and you are above than anything else

Prem: I know hia and I also love you a lot that why let's do it, I know you won't ever hurt me

Boun: never pao

They both started kissing and devouring each other again

Boun took of Prem's tshirt as he let Prem took his off, Boun kissed Prem's neck trailing down to his chest

Prem jolted when Boun kissed his nipple, they both were so lost in there, as Boun went down he looked at Prem asking for his permission if he can go ahead to which Prem nodded

After that they both spend the night loving and devouring eachother all night getting comfortable with one another.....

Next day at morning....

Boun woke up first and found Prem sleeping on his chest, he softly pushed Prem's hair back which was falling on his face, he kissed his forehead and said

Boun: I love you pao

Prem: I love you too hia

Prem said in his sleep and Boun smiled seeing him like this

After some time Prem stirred in his sleep and slowly rubbed his eyes opening them and found his hia looking at him and smiling

Prem got shy seeing Boun looking at him as he remembered the last night events and pulled the blanket over him hiding himself

Boun chuckled seeing Prem hiding himself with blanket

Boun: pao are you shy

Boun said pulling down the blanket from Prem's face

Prem: no why would I be shy

Boun: ohh really so why were you hiding yourself

Prem: I am not hiding I am just sleepy

Prem acted yawning

Boun: okay if you say so then you do remember last night right

Prem: hiaaa how could you talk like this don't you feel any shame

Boun: aw why would I feel shame I am only talking like this to my boyfriend

Prem: you are really something hia

Boun: so now tell me do you feel any pain I am sorry I should be more gentle

Prem: hiaaa how more shameless can you get and you were more than enough gentle so don't you feel sad about it as we both enjoyed it and you have already applied the medicine so now I feel better

Prem looked down getting embarrassed saying last line

Boun cupped Prems face and made him look at him

Boun: are you sure you are fine pao you can tell me

Prem: yes hia I am fine, don't worry to much

Boun: okay, so do you want to rest more

Prem: no hia let's get ready and meet the rest of them I want to enjoy my vacation fully

Prem tried to get up when Boun pulled him and fell over Boun's chest again

Prem: what happened hia

Boun: nothing just that you forgot our morning kiss

Prem: hiaa are you serious right now we didn't even have brushed our teeths

Boun laughed listening to Prem complaining

Boun: okay fine but let me peck you atleast

Saying this Boun pecked and sniffed all over Prem's face, after that they both got ready and went out to join their friends

They both have one of the best nights of their lives having each other by their side

I know guys this chapter sucks, I tried to write this chapter in a better way but I am not comfortable enough with it so please bear with me, those are really great who can write this type of stuff as It's really hard writing it for me

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