Chapter 13

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3rd Person POV

All of them are seated in the car on the way towards their destination, with Boun driving the car and Prem sitting in the front and others in the back.

They were laughing and enjoying occasionally teasing each other having snacks

(You can consider it a big car as I really don't have any knowledge about cars and I have no interest in automobiles)

After few hours they arrived at the resort, all of them rushed down the car as Boun parked the car and joined them

Prem: ohh hia it's really beautiful (prem gasped)

Sammy: seriously P'Boun how rich is your family (sammy exclaimed making a dramatic face)

They all started laughing seeing Sammy's reaction

Phruk: you don't have to worry about it sammy

Ohm: Boun let's check the room's first, Pharm let's go

Pharm: yes phi

Boun and Prem, Dean and Pharm shared one room while Manaow and Phruk have their own separate rooms

In the room....

Prem went to the balcony from where you can see the beach taking in the fresh air

Prem: hia it's really good here, the air is so fresh

Prem said while leaning on the railing with his eyes closed

Boun smiled and went to the balcony and back hugged Prem, putting his chin on Prem's shoulder

Boun: so you like here

Prem: yes hia

Prem replied relaxing himself on his hia's body

Boun: so do you want to go outside or you want to rest for sometime first

Boun asked kissing Prem's neck

A shiver ran down Prem's body but he replied somehow

Prem: no hia I want to rest for sometime, I am tired

Prem turned to face Boun and asked

Prem: what about you hia, you must be also tired as you are the one driving and here I am saying that I am tired

Boun smiled listening to Prem

Boun: you don't have to worry, I am not tired

Prem: fine but I am tired so let's sleep we will meet the rest of them later

Boun: you really care about me don't you

Boun asked ruffling Prem's hair

Prem: of course I care about you or else who will care other than your boyfriend

Prem said smiling and Boun pecked Prem's forehead

After some hours later they went outside to meet the rest of their friends

Prem's POV

I am really excited as I will get some time to spend with hia and my friends. I can't believe that we are in a relationship now and are boyfriends, I was so overwhelmed when hia confessed to me, to be honest I really didn't expected hia to ask me out right after our exams.

Yes I was also planning to tell hia about my feelings for him but he is one step ahead of me but now I am happy

Hia really let us into his resort for free and when I asked him about the charges he said that I don't have to concern about it as it's really fine, I felt bad at first as he would be at loss if he keep doing that but atlast when he didn't listen to me I let it go

Finally we are outside with our friends, it's already evening as we really slept for long

We are planning to just roam around today and rest, we will go to the beach tomorrow

There are many good shops here and more than that the food here tastes too good

'hia let's go to that stall, food there seems good' I nudged hia

'prem like seriously all you are doing is eating only what type stomach do you have that you can fit so much food in there' Sammy said

At the same time Pharm said laughing 'you guys may not know but one time at the canteen I put the food in front of him while he was sleeping and he really woke up by the smell of food'

I playfully hit Pharm while he hid behind P'Dean they started laughing at me jokingly, but I am really embarrassed

I looked at hia but he was just smiling at me and ruffled my hair and said 'dont mind them let's go to the stall you wanted'

Ohm: someone is really whipped here

Boun: by any chance are you talking about yourself

Hia said while looking at P'Dean than Pharm while Pharm got shy and we started walking towards the stall while P'Dean glared at hia

(god how did I get so lucky to have such a caring person like hia in my life
you didn't get lucky I am making you lucky I am the author
Doesn't matter as it's our story, we will be happy at the end no matter what and it's your duty to do it
This brat)

I am really so embarrassed by what pharm said that I don't want to look at hia, but when does it happen whatever I thought

'pao are you embarrassed by what pharm said' hia asked looking at me while I am looking down

He softly held my face making me look into his eyes and said 'pao you don't have to be, to be honest actually I rather found you cute you are the cutest thing in the world'

God now I am feeling shy and by now I am sure that I would be blushing

'fine hia you don't have to always call me cute, I am not it's just that you think so' I told hia

'ohh baby then you should look at yourself in the mirror, if I can I would have locked you in the room having you all to myself'

God does he really have to flirt in the middle of the road and how will I get used to him calling me baby

'how shameless are you hia, fine let's go I want to eat the food' I quickly run away from hia to the food stall but I can hear him chuckle, yeah when will he stop teasing me

After having dinner we all went to our own rooms to rest

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