Chapter 4

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Hii my dear readers I really want to thank you for reading this story even though I know that it's not good and I do suck at writing but as thoughts were coming into my mind I really wanted to put them somewhere and want people to read them.
I know right now I have very few readers but whoever is reading my story it means a lot me and I really appreciate it.

Please let me know if you find some fault in the story or want me to improve somewhere and I will do my best.

As I am not getting much time to write due to my schedule but I am trying to update as soon as I get time.

Prem's POV

As yesterday night we agreed on that I will go and come with him from college to which first I have declined him but he kept on insisting me, I was worried that I will become a burden to him and he might get bored with me or I might irritate him but it was also true that I want to spend my time with him as much as possible, that's why at the end I agreed.

I went to college with him and as I know that I would be late today I asked him not to wait for me but as him being him he didn't agree. At the end of the day as I said I was really late and he was waiting for me, I felt really bad that he have to wait for me. As I was really tired I fall asleep during the ride and he woke me up as we reached a restaurant. After that we arrived at our dorm, he reminded me of tomorrow's plan to which I agreed that yes we will go. As I said that he ruffled my hair and for once I felt my heartbeat stopped for a second. Getting shy I said goodnight to him and went to my room.

To be honest I can't keep my heart calm as I am really excited to go out with him tomorrow, to spend time with him. We have decided that hia will plan our day to which I am very happy with.

As the sun rises and by the sound of my alarm clock I wake up, it's 8:10 right now but as I remember that today hia and me are going to a date opps sorry sorry I mean to hangout (my brain god knows how does it works). Completing my morning routine I got ready to go out. By the time I got ready it's already 10am as it took so much of my time to choose what to wear and what hia would like. (It's not like I am getting ready for hia it's just that I want to look good).

Just as I have gotten ready my doorbell rang and there's my hia standing in his black skinny jeans and hoodie looking stunning (agh my heart can't handle it), as I am staring at him he is also staring at me, coming into my senses I adverted my gaze from him. He asked if I am ready to go as I agreed and taking my phone and wallet we leave.

As he is driving I asked him were are we going, he said that we should first have our breakfast and he had planned everything for the day and he wishes that I will like it. He don't know but I am happy by spending my time with him only. After having our breakfast he drove us to an amusement park to which I was first surprise but happy as I really like amusement parks from childhood. We have lot of funs by riding different rides eating many types of food, we even played games in one of which hia won an cute stuffed 🧸 teddy bear which he gave to me, I disagree at first as he has won it but he said that he won it for me (I don't know why but listening to him it makes me happy and blush a little). After enjoying our time at the amusement park we went to watch a movie which is a rom com 🍿🎥 and I can say that we really enjoyed it. Finishing our movie hia took me to a restaurant for dinner. Just when we are eating it clicked me that what we are doing from the morning it feels like a date, no no it can't be hia hasn't even proposed me yet (I am not saying that I want him to propose me) but I for sure enjoying my time with hia.

Boun's POV

Seeing him enjoying himself with me it makes me satisfied and happy. To be honest if someone sees us like this they would think that we are together or been dating or something but it's not, yes its true and I do want to date him in near future but right know I want to understand my feelings for him completely so that it would be right to him.

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