Chapter 24

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Just like that time went by with both Prem and Boun excelling on their own paths. Prem is doing great in the university both with studies and swimming he even got selected in national swimming championship whereas Boun finally made it to the the companies ceo, yes there were a lot of hinderences on their paths but what remained same is there trust, love, belief and understanding between each other.

Today is the day Prem graduates and all his family and Boun parents are there to see him, ofcourse Boun is there that's not even a question

After sometime Prem came to them and hug them

Boun: congrats my baby you did it

Boun said ruffling Prem's hair handling him a big bouquet of roses

Prem: thank you hia I am so happy

Prem said sniffing the roses

When they listened coughing and Prem got shy even if it have been years but he still got shy

Prem: mom dad I didn't know you guys were also coming

Prem said to Boun's parents

Amporn: ofcourse we would come dear you are also our child

Prem again hugged her

Prem: thank you mom

Listening to this Prem's mother dramatically said to her husband to tease Prem

Achara: see dear our kid doesn't love us more now

Prem: oh mom please stop teasing me

During this year's both of their parents have met eachother

Just then Pharm and Manaow came with their partners and their family members

Sammy: let's get some photos clicked guys

And they clicked a lot of photos to keep as memories which will always be memorable

They have booked the whole roof top restuarant

All of them went there they were laughing talking drinking in short enjoying their time just when lights went out

And when light came again and as Prem turned he got the shock of his life

There's Boun on his one knee holding a box with two rings in it

There's Boun on his one knee holding a box with two rings in it

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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