Chapter 21

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Prem's POV

We both arrived at my home at Chiang Mai and by the sound of the car mom already opened the door as we get out of the car and I ran into my mother's arms as I missed her so much I haven't seen her in quite a while

Prem: ma I missed you so much

Achara (Prem's mother): I missed you too my son, Oh Prem you bring someone with you is he your boyfriend

What!! Mom said making me shock seeing hia standing in front of the car

O o it seems like I have forgotten about someone

I looked back and hia slowly came towards us I can see the nervousness in his face

Boun: hello aunty, I am sorry that I came without notice I..I am I am

Hia shuttered not knowing how to introduce himself

Prem: ma he is my boyfriend

Achara: really what a good-looking boy he is, let's get inside why are we standing at the door

I am shocked as mom didn't get angry listening to me, let's see what happens ahead

We went inside and I ran seeing my father sitting on the sofa and hugged him

Prem: pa how are you

Chakan (Prem's father): oh I thought you just missed your mother

Prem: dad don't sulk na I missed you also

Chakan: oh my child

Hia came and greeted my dad

Prem: pa he is P'boun my boyfriend he is also my senior

Chakan: what! Prem you have a boyfriend

I got scared as dad gave a shocking reaction and run to hia who is standing in front of my father and hugged him

Prem: pa please don't get mad I really love him a lot, pa hia is really a nice person he takes care of me so well please don't tell us to break up, he loves me so much also

I said and started crying getting scared

Dad came to me and slowly made me sit and said

Chakan: Prem I am not mad at you and I am not telling you to break up, I was just shocked listening to you, I am happy if you are happy my child

Prem: really pa

Dad nodded and I hugged him

Achara: are you both father and son done with your dramatic act then can we let Boun sit he is just standing from the time he came here

We all laughed listening to mom, after that we settle down

Prem: ma where's my lil sis

Achara: she is not here Prem, she went on a trip with her friends

Prem: really mom you guys didn't agree with me earlier when I asked you guys during school

Achara: leave him you tell us son what do you do tell us about yourself

My parents are partial hun

(Don't worry Prem every parents are like that only, I support you here
Thanks author at least someone can understand me
You have me Prem in it🥹🥹)

Boun: aunty right now I am in my last year as graduation is around the corner

Chakan: you also studied business management Boun

Boun: yes uncle and I am planning to join my father to help him run the business as he has already been doing so much not getting time for himself

Chakan: you are a good son Boun

Achara: really Boun

Boun: it's nothing like that uncle aunty

Achara: oh son you can call us mom and dad you are our son also and yeah Boun you can even help Prem in his studies as he really is a lazy brat

Prem: mom what did I do know, I am already a good kid

Achara: yeah we know that

Mom said sarcastically

Boun: no aun.. mom he is good in studies

See my hia defends me

Boun: except english and accounts

Let me take my words back

Prem: yeah but your tutoring have helped me and in last exam I scored good marks

Chakan: Boun you tutored him

Prem: yes pa he is teaching me from the start of the university

I don't know what happened but both mom and dad looked at each other

Achara: son it's good that you teach him but he never told so we didn't gave him money for tutoring

Prem: oh mom don't worry about it

Achara: shut up you brat

Prem: mom I really asked him in the starting but he refused and said that

I was speaking when hia said in between

Boun: yes mom actually there's no need for it to even think about it, I am happy that I can help pao

Chakan: pao

I looked down getting shy while hia got confused to what say next

But my parents started laughing

And just like that we spend our day with hia and dad getting along well 'coz of their common interest in business while I helped my mom in making dinner

3rd Person POV

They were eating dinner when sometime Boun put food in Prem's plate or give him water, it is not a big deal for them but Prem parents were smiling seeing them like this

Achara was putting blanket in Prem's room when Prem came there

Prem: mom

Achara: what happened Prem

Prem: mom you guys are happy na

Achara: tell me something Prem are you happy with him

Prem: yes mom he takes good care of me and love me also so much and supports me

Achara: then we are happy son if you are happy and we can see that he's really a good kid

Prem: thank you mom I was so scared earlier

Achara: oh my son there's nothing to be scared of you can talk to us about anything all we want is you to be happy and be in the right direction, and you don't have to worry your boyfriend has already talked with us about you guys living together and we don't have any objection to it

Prem: really mom

Prem got happy listening to his mother and hugged her

Achara: but Prem it's also your responsibility to focus on your studies work hard and support him also, I know he older than you and he takes care of you we can see that but you also have to take care of him Prem

Prem: yes mom

Achara: we would like to meet his parents sometime in the future we can see that you guys are serious about eachother

Prem: of course mom

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