Chapter 2

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Prem's POV

First I am shocked that he remember my name just by listening to it once, and by thinking that only I am getting butterflies in my stomach, damn it what is happening with me I even haven't eaten anything bad today, yeah just a few pack of my lays but that doesn't matter as I eat that always.

Then again when I remembered the incident at the pool, I asked him worriedly seeing him into his eyes 'is he fine, what was he trying to do at the pool'.

Listening to my question he started laughing hard and seeing him laughing I become angry as when I am concerned about him he is just laughing at me and I turned around from him. Maybe he understand that I am angry at him now and trying to control his laugh he said that he wasn't trying to do anything but rather just practicing his breath holding capacity.

Without giving me another second to understand what he is saying, he chuckled again and asked me that what am I thinking that is he is trying to attempt suicide and again he started laughing. Oh God I can't even tell you how much embarrassed I feel right now. Seeing me feeling embarrassed he stopped laughing and started speaking that I don't have to feel embarrassed as what I did at that time was right for whatever the situation it appeared to me. Hearing that I become a little relaxed. But he started laughing again and this time I too laughed with him not breaking our eye contact and that's when I think we both felt a magnetic force attracting us towards each other and not just only me.

Boun's POV

As we were laughing I feel a magnetic force attracting me towards him that I think he also felt, as lift came and we both got into it I asked him what is he doing here does he also live in the same hostel (yeah I know that I am stupid to ask such question, but I need to make a talk with him) and when he is just about to answer surprisingly he also came out with me when lift stops on the second floor, I again embarrassingly asked him that he also lives in the second floor then to which he smiled and I got to know that our rooms are just beside each other. Yeah that's why I have been hearing from morning that someone new is going to shift in the room beside me but I didn't care much about it. Thinking that he is going to live in the room next to me just a few steps away from me I become very excited and happy as I can meet him more from now on.

Saying good night to each other we both got into our rooms, of course our own rooms. After getting freshen up I got into my bed to have my good night sleep but how could I sleep when my mind is fully occupied by Prem and being happy that our rooms are beside each other, I drift to sleep by thinking about him.

I am awaken by my alarm, I got up to start getting ready for my classes. After getting ready I came out of my room to see Prem locking the door of his room, I don't know why but whenever I see him my heart feels happy. I greeted him by saying good morning making him turning towards me smiling at me he greeted me back.

I offered him to drive to the college together which he first didn't accept but by my continuous asking him he agreed.

As we are on our way to the college I thought that I should start a conversation, thinking that I asked him 'do you like swimming?' Listening to my question he looked into my face again smiling his smile which makes my heart melts, 'yes, I love swimming and I want to become world's best swimmer' he answered with full enthusiasm.

Seeing his excitement level just by the listening to word swimming I chuckled first but as I see him smiling towards me I supported him by saying that if he practices hard with consistency and focus he can become.

Prem's POV

As he said those words of support to me I felt my cheeks burning up and I am damn sure they must have been turned red by now. To stop thinking about that I asked him 'in which faculty do you study P'.

'Business management' he answered and knowing that he also studies business management I smiled sheepishly. With excitement I told him that I had also chosen the same faculty, he smile and looked into my eyes for few seconds then turning his gaze again towards the road. After few minutes he said that if I ever need any help or have any problem I can contact him and he can also help me in this studies, listening to him I look at him with a confused face he laugh and said that I can believe him as he is a top ranker.

With nervousness I asked him 'P'Boun if possible can you help me in Accounts and English as I am weak in it'.

To which he chuckled lightly and said 'Prem you don't have to be nervous with me, you can talk to me about anything and of course it would be my pleasure to help you'.

Listening him I felt shy and just when I am busy with my own thoughts, he spoke again 'and you can call me Hia rather than P'.

My heart skipped a beat as he ask me to call him 'Hia', Oh god! what the heck is happening with me he is making me go crazy, the emotions which I am getting right now are something which I have never felt in my life before. Getting out of my thoughts I shyly respond to him saying 'Yes Hia'.

He smile hearing me and my heart feel content seeing him smiling. We keep talking about casual stuffs as we reached college. Thanking him for the ride I went to my class.

Boun's POV

As my classes are going on but my mind is just focused on Prem, I don't know why but I wanted him to call me hia and how cute he looked when he called me Hia, how my heart melt at that and how happy I feel knowing that he also studies business management as now I can have more chances to see him. But I can't even meet him today at the club as the club activities were canceled and I am missing him like crazy even though we were together in the morning (okay I know this may sound like I am a lunatic), I am really really missing him a lot, I wanna to talk to him more and spend some more time with him.

After completing my classes though I don't know what they taught today but I can manage about that, I thought why not ask Prem to go home with me as we have came here together and I don't have any idea how is he going to go back but I cursed myself as soon as I remember that I forgot to ask for his number. Shit what am I gonna do now.

Getting sad I started walking out of my class to the parking lot. As I reached there I saw Prem see off his friends, as they left I saw him with an expression of being worried and confused. Being worried I run towards him and ask what happen, why is he looking worried what happened is he fine.

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