Chapter 18

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3rd Person POV

Boun slowly caressed Prem's hair he knew that Prem got worried at the restaurant when he suddenly said that but they have to talk about something, as it seems he really doesn't remember that's when Prem asked Boun what he wanted to talk about earlier

Prem: what did you wanted to talk about earlier hia

Boun: yeah pao you remember na that your first year is going to complete

Prem: ofcourse hia how shouldn't I know about it

He said giggling

Boun: yes and that also means my final year is also going to complete and I would be done with the college

As Boun said that Prem stiffened in his place 'coz it never crossed his mind that his hia will be graduate this year as it's his last year

Prem getting up sat on the bed and boun also sat making Prem sit on his lap facing him legs crossed on both his sides

Prem: so hia are you going to continue your studies further or what's your plan ahead

Boun: I don't want to study further pao rather help my parents in their business they have already done so much for me I want to help them now so that they can have rest

Prem: means you are going to join the business directly after your graduation

Boun: hmmm

Prem: then what at what post you will be assigned at

Boun: oh pao I haven't thought that much but maybe I would like to start from scratch, to learn everything from basic

Prem: you have talked with your parents

Boun: yes pao they have agreed to it they want me to do whatever makes me happy and said that they will help me in every way possible

Prem: it's good hia

Prem went silent looking down

Boun pulled Prem face making him look at him by holding his chin and cupped his face and he was shocked seeing tears in his pao's eyes

Boun: pao what happened why are you crying

Boun panicked and hugged Prem tightly rubbing Prem's back with his one hand and other hand caressing his hair

Prem started crying more than Boun make Prem look at him and said holding his face

Boun: pao please calm down you know na you can say anything to me so please tell me what happened did I say something wrong

But Prem was not stopping crying so Boun suddenly kissed him diverting his attention towards the kiss

Boun bite Prem's lower lip and as Prem gasped he instantly put his tongue in his mouth and started kissing him hard touching every corner of his pao's mouth with his tongue

After few minutes as they started to lack air boun pulled away and hold Prem's cheeks

Boun: pao will you now tell me what happened please tell me, you know that I can't see you cry

Prem again hugged Boun and hide his face in his hia's neck

Prem: sorry hia for making you worry I am just sad thinking that I would be lonely from now as you would obviously move out from here and will not be present in the college anymore, I wouldn't be able to see your face when I wake up or at the time of sleeping neither you would teach me nor we would have more time to spend together...

Sorry hia for thinking like this I know your future your career is important but I just can't help feeling sad it not once crossed my mind that it's your last year otherwise I would have tried to be prepared, I just can't think of living without you I am sorry hia...

Prem again started sniffing then Boun cupped Prem's face and said

Boun: baby can you please listen to me first what I am going to say then afterwards you can tell me what you think I was about to tell you before but you started crying so now first listen to me okay

Prem nodded

Boun: my sweetheart as I said that I have talked with my parents about my future I also informed them about you and they were really happy and even asked me to take you to meet them, they want to meet you

Prem got shocked knowing that his hia parents want to meet him

Prem: what! hia they want to meet why didn't you inform me earlier, what if they don't like me and ask me to leave you, what if I am not up to their expectations, what if they want a girl for their son as you are their only son, wha..

Boun: pao stop, stop with your overthinking and your what if's my parents are not like that they were already happy without knowing you and if they came to know that I am dating such a cute and preety boy they would for sure love you more than me, so will you meet them tomorrow as it's Sunday

Listening to this Prem started blushing

Prem: okay hia

Boun: good and don't worry I will be with you and pao there is another thing which I wanted to ask you

Prem: what hia

Boun: pao you were right that I will move out from here but I want to ask you if you will come with me, I mean that for us to move in together as not only you I also can't even imagine living without you know

Prem: hia

Boun: it's upto you pao I won't force you to live with me but if you want I would be more than happy

Prem: hia what are you saying I just told you that I can't live without you, I would be glad to live with you but hia what about the rent I may not have that much money

Boun chuckled listening to Prem

Boun: pao it's enough that you will live with me and about the rent and other things don't worry about it my parents have already bought me a house sometime ago but I didn't move in their and you just have to focus on your studies right now and make your career

Prem: oh ho, I should be thanking my stars for letting me have such a handsome, nice and rich boy, right my rich boyfriend

Boun laughed listening to Prem teasing him

Boun: then aren't you the boyfriend of this rich boy

Prem: ish hia enough with the teasing

They both laughed at their own antics

Prem: right hia but I have to talk with my parents also what if they don't agree

Boun: then let's do one work after meeting my parents tomorrow let's go to your hometown next weekend and meet them

Prem: that would be right hia

Boun: fine now let's sleep baby

Prem: okay my rich boyfriend

Boun: pao you wait

And Boun started tickling him

Prem: hia h.. sto.. stop hia

Boun: will you tease me more

Prem: yes

Boun: what did you say

Prem: fi..fine I won't tea.. tease you hia stop

Boun stopped and Prem pulled him for a kiss

Prem: thanks hia for everything

Boun: there's no need to thank me pao you are my everything

They both kissed one more time before going to sleep with Prem snuggling into Boun's chest taking in his hia's warmth and getting comfortable and Boun wrapping his hands around Prem holding him closer to him....

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