Welcome to Beacon Hills

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A black sports car drove through the night not slowing down until they reached the sign "Welcome to Beacon Hill". As the car parks at a big house, stepping out there is a teen with long blonde hair. 

Hello, Beacon Hills. The girl voiced looking at the house that she had bought. 

The next morning, two friends were speaking outside the school when a black sports car pulled into the parking lot. The noise draws the boy's attention, the door of the car opens and out steps a beautiful girl with long blonde hair. She walks into the school not caring about the stare she was getting from everyone she passed by. Heading to the front office. 

Hello, I'm Aurora Hamilton. I'm transferring into my sophomore year. The girl says to the front desk lady, very aware of the two boys standing outside to office listening in. 

Yes, well let me just check our system. It doesn't look like you in. The front desk says looking at the teen.

Try, again. I'm Aurora Hamilton and I'm transferring into my sophomore year. Aroura says staring into the lady's eye. 

Oh, my mistake here you are Aurora Hamilton. Let me print out your schedule. The lady says. 

Thank you. Aurora says as the lady hands her the class schedule. 

Aurora leaves the front desk and is met face-to-face with the two boys listening in on the conversation. One Aroura could tell was a werewolf, and the other had a feeling of faint dark magic on him. 

Hello, can I help you? Aurora asked the two. 

Nope. Umm, I'm Stiles, Welcome to Beacon Hills. The one Stiles says.

Who the hell names their kid Stiles? Aurora wondered looking at the boy.

I'm Scott. The boy said awkwardly. 

Hello, I'm Aroura. Aurora introduced herself, even though she knew they were listening in on her conversation.

We know. I mean your schedule says it on the paper. Stiles says

Well, I better go I don't want to be late to history. Aurora says walking away from the werewolf and his hyperactive friend. 

It was lunchtime, and when Aurora walked outside she saw the two boys from before with a larger group, a black-haired girl, a red-head girl, and a brunette. She quickly made her way far from them not wanting to have anything to do with the supernatural's in Beacon Hills, but that didn't mean she couldn't be aware. Using her vampire hearing she listens in on their conversation. 

Apparently, theirs a freshman, who's really good at lacross that they believe him to be a werewolf. What if he was just I don't know good at lacrosse? Aurora thought. She was so deep in thought twisting her daylight ring around her finger that she didn't notice two freshmen boys joining her at the table. 

Hello. One of the boys said snapping Aurora out of thought. 

Oh, Hello. Aurora says 

Hi, I'm Mason, and this is Liam. The boy Mason says. 

Hi, Mason and Liam. I'm Aurora. She introduced herself. 

Do you know those two upperclassmen other there? Liam asks pointing at the table across the courtyard. Aurora turns to see the two boys and the three girls staring at them. When the five saw they were caught they quickly waved and turned around. 

No, I met the two boys earlier but I don't know the others. Aurora says as the bell rings. 

Aurora gets up along with the other boys. 

You should come to lacrosse tryouts this afternoon. Mason says.

Sure. Aurora says before leaving for her next class, fully aware of the group of four eyes on her. 

The school was over and Aurora was heading to her car before she remembered Mason asking her to come to lacrosse tryouts. She was tempted to just leave and say she forgot, but if she was going to stay at Beacon Hills till she finished this High School she might as well make friends. So with great reluctance, she made her way towards the lacrosse field where she saw two of the three girls sitting there already as the two guys were on the field. Aurora found herself seated next to Mason as they watched the boys running around and playing lacrosse. 

As Aurora and Mason watched Liam score over Scott and Stiles, the brunette yelled for a redo. The rivalry ended with Liam on the ground with a sprained ankle. Aurora left after that.

She made her way to the hospital to check on how Liam was doing. When she got there something was wrong, it was quite too quiet for a hospital. Then she heard a yell that sounded like Liam. She used her vampire speed to get to Liam only to already see Scott and a beast fighting. Liam was hanging off the edge of the building.  Aurora lifts her hand up using magic to slam the beast into the side of the building as Liam loses his grip. Scott just in time caught him, but by catching him Scott also bit him. As the beast ran away. 

Aurora doesn't know how she ended up in this position. All she wanted to do was check on Liam but ended it sitting tied to a chair in Scott's bedroom with a towel stuffed in her mouth. Yes, she could get out but, that would be a hassle and she didn't want to deal with being chased by the werewolf. The door burst open and there stood a panting Stiles. 

What the Hell dude? Stiles yells pointing at Aurora sitting there tied up. Scott is just standing there with a panicked face. 

Welcome to Beacon Hills. Aurora thought. 

Aurora Hamilton has no idea what she just got herself into

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Aurora Hamilton has no idea what she just got herself into. 

I am planing on having her love interest be Brett Talbot. Please let me know your thoughts

I don't own Teen Wolf only my Oc's and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

Thank you for reading

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