New Student

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Aurora knocked on the window of Brett's room effectively waking him up. Brett jumped up from his bed as he heard the soft taping coming from his window. He walks over to his window shaking his head as he tries to wake up a bit. 

  "Well hello." Aurora said climbing throw the window as soon as Brett opened it. 

"Hey" Brett says smiling down at Aurora. "Welcome back" He says hugging her as soon as she is fully in the room. 

"Good to be back, nice place by the way" Aurora says looking around Brett's room. 

"Not as nice as you're place but it's good for everyone to have their own room." Brett says leading Aurora to the edge of his bed to sit. 

"So how was your summer without me?" Aurora asks smirking at Brett. 

"Boring, I missed you. Did you find what you needed?" Brett asks kissing her cheek.

"No, but it's fine." Aurora says closing her eyes and resting her head on Brett's shoulder. 

"What were you looking for anyway you never said?" Brett asks 

"Nothing too important, just some ingredient." Aurora says 

"Really, it seemed to be very important since you were gone all summer." Brett says wondering why she was lying to him. 

"No need to worry. I should head home. School's back on tomorrow and Stiles is being paranoid due to an old friend or something coming back to town." Aurora says getting up and placing a quick kiss on Brett's lips before jumping out of the open window. 

Aurora arrived at school pulling her car into a parking spot. She gets out of the car and walks up to Malia and Stiles who has a prominent black eye. 

"Do you know how hard it was to explain this to my dad. And what about when people ask." Stiles says while pointing at his black eye. Aurora rolls her eyes before walking up to Stiles and quickly biting her finger hard enough to produce blood before quickly sticking it in Stiles's mouth and taking it out. Stiles gags at the taste of blood as his black eye disappears. 

"There all better," Aurora says smirking as Stiles gags and tries to get the taste out of his mouth. 

"Ok, so Stiles just told me he ran a background check on Theo" Malia says handing Stiles a bottle of water. 

"And what super evil stuff did you find on this Theo guy?" Aurora asks as smiling as she watches Stiles chug the bottle of water. 

"A speeding ticket signed by Theo's dad eight years ago." Stiles says 

"A speeding Ticket? That all" Aurora asks in disbelief at how far Stiles is stretching.

 "Which means what?" Malia asks 

"Who speeds? People trying to get away from something" Stiles exclaims 

 "Well, how many tickets do you two have?" Malia asks looking between the two. Aurora and Stiles both scoff before answering.

"None" They both say at the same time. 

" How many would you have if your dad didn't get you out of them? Or if you didn't use you're voodoo magic thingy on them?" Malia asks both of them.

"Not the point" ".....Seventeen" They both answer at the same time. 

" I don't know, Stiles... I mean, I see why you're worried-- he' s really hot. He's got like great hair, perfect body... You should definitely feel threatened." Malia points out

"I have got to meet him." Aurora says 

"Thank you... Because I do... Now more than ever. And don't you... have a boyfriend" Stiles says pointing an accusing finger at Aurora. Aurora just shrugs before turning and walking away. 

"You two figure out whatever the problem is I'm going to go and find my locker." Aurora says walking into the school. 

Aurora is putting things in her locker, when she closed her locker she came face to face with the guy who is causing Stiles so much panic. 

"Hello" Aurora asks staring at the new wolf in town. 'Malia was right he is good looking' she thought looking him over. As she stares into his eyes she see's something very similar. It looked like she was staring into her own eyes back when she was by Dimitri's side. The same broken look she had was in his eyes though hidden very well. Just not well enough.

"Hey, I'm Theo. You're part of Scott's pack right." He asks lifting his hand to shake hers. She oblige shaking his hand with a smile feeling something very different then when she would normally touch a werewolf. Something felt weird with him. It was like if she siphoned from him it wouldn't be the same from siphoning from Liam or Brett. She shook the feeling off, she would have to look more into it later.

"Yeah, I am. I heard a lot about you from Stiles. You made quite the impression when you appeared." Aurora says smiling. As they let go of each others hands.

"I'm sure I did. Hey do you think you could help me find my way around." Theo asks

"Yeah, but fair warning if you're looking for something more then a friend I am taken. But I have a feeling me and you are more alike then we think so I will tell you about someone who I think you would be good for." Aurora says smiling at Theo.

"Good to know. So Friends." Theo says 

"Friends now let's go you're first class is this way." Aurora says walking with Theo to his first class. 

They have met

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They have met. Aurora knows something's off about him. What are you're guys thoughts on Thiam cause I think I'm going to have that couple and have Aurora be the wing women for it.

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

Thank you for reading

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