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Aurora was in her personal prison. A week had passed since the bonfire and Aurora had been trapped in a room with the only person who she didn't want to see being her only communication. She was attacked and taken in by her ex and the man who turned her into a vampire. Dimitri Montgomery was a tall dark-haired bastard in Aurora Hamilton's eyes. The man who charmed her and made her fall in love with him just to go and kill her on her 17th birthday. The man who has been chasing after her for decades, the man who killed anyone she fell in love with. He was her personal demon that she could not kill no matter how much she wanted to. 

Are you awake Rory, my love? Dimitri's British accent seemed to echo in Aurora's room. He has taken her daylight ring off and kept drugging her with witch hazel making her unable to use magic. Dimitri is also stronger than Aurora making her unable to beat him in a battle of strength. She's also at a disadvantage due to him not letting her feed for the past few days, weakening her state. 

What do you want Dimitir? Aurora asked not in the mood to deal with him. 

Now that's no way to talk to me Rory, I have come barring gifts. Dimitri says as he throws a blood bag into her room while smirking. Aurora ran to the bag sinking her fangs in a drinking every last drop not even caring what type of blood it was. 

So, I have our whole day plan. Were going to have a romantic dinner and. Dimitri started only to be cut off by Aurora

What do you want from me? Why are you so set on ruining my life? Aurora asked 

I wouldn't have to chase you if you would just be good and stay with me. Dimitri said angrily. But, noo. You want to leave me and go out with those mutts and be with others when I'm the only reason you're alive. Dimitri said as he grabbed Aurora holding onto her tightly.  

Dimitri stop. Aurora said trying to pull her hands away.

I mean I gave you the gift of eternal life, so we can spend eternity together. Not for you to run away from me. Dimitri said as he slammed Aurora against the wall, sunlight hitting her arm and burning her. 

I never wanted to live forever, you took that choice away from me. Aurora said hissing in pain. 

I did it for us. Dimitri said letting go of Aurora. We will finish this later and get dressed for dinner in a few hours. He said leaving the room, as Aurora quickly moved away from the sunlight that was slowly setting. 

Aurora opened the closet door seeing a light blue ball gown hanging. The ball gown was a replica of the gown she wore on her 17th birthday. The day Dimitri Montgomery took her life and humanity. 

Night had fallen when Aurora was sat across from Dimitri in her blue gown as they ate and drank together in complete silence. Dimitri was still in a mood from what happened earlier that day.

I would like to apologize for my reaction to you're statement earlier today. Dimitri says breaking the silence. But, I feel as if you are ungrateful for what I have given you. Dimitri continued making Aurora stop her eating to look at him. 

Ungrateful? Ungrateful for what Dimitri for being forced to drink vampire blood? Ungrateful for being killed by you on my birthday? Ungrateful that you put me a newborn and extremely hungry vampire right in the middle of my coven as you watched laughing as I killed them all due to my not having control. Or am I ungrateful that you killed my fiance or any other person I was romantically involved in during the past? Aurora said shouting as she stood up. Dimitri also stood up an angry look on his face. What the fuck should I be grateful for when it comes to you. You are an Unlovable monster who killed the only person who loved you and ruined her life. Aurora said as objects started to fly around the room as the witch hazel that Dimitri drugged her with started to wear off. Dimitri ran towards Aurora and grabbed her by the neck slamming her to the wall. 

I am not a monster. I am a man who loves you and would do anything for you. I killed you so we could be together. Forever. Dimitri said as he gripped Aurora's neck tightly.

You can not escape from it. Dimitri is cut off when a long wooden stake is put through his chest. He falls to the floor unconscious but not dead. Aurora looks to see Scott's pack and Brett in the room. Brett rushes towards Aurora as she falls to the ground.

What the hell are you all doing here? Aurora asks gripping Brett 

You didn't think we wouldn't notice you're disappearance, did you? Scott asks picking up Auora's ring from the unconscious vampire's pocket. 

Hey umm, let's get out of here before Vampy Mcvamp wakes up. Stiles says gesturing towards Dimitri. 

Yeah, let's go. Aurora said as Brett helped her up. As they head out of the house.

I can take her home. If you still want to go there. Brett said making Aurora smile.

Yeah, I will be fine there once I put a barrier spell on. Aurora said as Scott handed her, her daylight ring. Thanks. She said as she put it on. Lydia comes running hunting her.

I'm so glad you're safe. Lydia said squeezing her a bit. 

Thanks, maybe after all this Deadpool drama goes away we could go shopping. Aurora said. 

Duh, Of Course. Lydia said letting go and heading towards Malia who just smiled and waved. 

And Stiles.  Aurora said before they drove off. I have the stuff for you. I will get it to you tomorrow hopefully. Stiles gives her a thumbs-up before driving off. Leaving Aurora, Brett, and Liam alone to walk to Aurora's house. 

You didn't have to come with us, Liam. Brett said annoyed Liam joined them on their walk. 

Why what were you planning to do? Liam asked Brett 

Will you be staying over Liam? Aurora asked before Brett could retort to Liam. 

Yes, if that's ok. Liam answered. Aurora just smiled.

Of course. Aurora said as they made it to her place. Opening the door they see a mess.

We can clean in the morning. Brett said seeing Auorora's facial expression. 

Guest rooms are down the hall. Aurora said as the two boys headed to the guest rooms.

And Thank you. Aurora said 

No problem they both replied going into their respective rooms. 

Aurora closes the door to her room before sinking to the floor as tears fall from her eyes. She wasn't sure if the tears were sorrow or if they were tears of relief but she finally head to bed and slept peacefully. 

I kept rewriting this chapter, cause I wasn't sure how I wanted it to be

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I kept rewriting this chapter, cause I wasn't sure how I wanted it to be. But I finally decided on this version. The next chapter will be about the packs and Brett's reaction to her disappearance and their finding her so stay tuned. 

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

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