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When Aurora read that message panic came to Aurora. Liam was missing, while assassins were trying to kill them for money. Aurora quickly grabbed her bag and keys a walked out of her house. Just as she made it to her car Aurora felt someone behind her. Just as she turned around the assailing stabbed her in the gut with a stake coated in a mixture of vervain and the lobelia flower, causing her to grown in pain. Aurora looked to see Garrett pull the stake out raising it again to stab her in the chest. Aurora used her strength to push Garrett away from her. Aurora was in a lot of pain not only was she stabbed but she wouldn't be able to heal due to the stake being couted in vervain and Lobelia flower. Aurora got in her car a sped off leaving a bleeding Garrett on the ground. 

Aurora sped into the parking lot almost hitting, Scott, Stiles, and Brett who were walking out of Deaton clinic. 

What the hell? Stiles says while jumping as the car stops right before hitting him. Stiles moved to the other side of Scott so he wouldn't be hit in case the car started to move again. Aurora throws open her door yelling for help. Scott runs to her smelling the blood and something else from her. 

What happens? Scott asks as he helps Aurora out of her car. Stiles runs inside to get Deaton as Brett goes and helps Scott with Aurora. 

Garrett that fucker stabed me. Aurora says 

Why aren't you healing, is it the same thing as last time? Scott asks

Yes and no. They added the lobelia Flower with the vervain making it so I also can't concetarea to use magic for a bit. Aurora says as she groans from pain.

Do you know where Garrett is? Brett asks as he starts to take away Aurora's pain. 

I threw him away from me. I think he hit his head. I left him passed out at my place. Thanks. Aurora said. 

We need to go get him them. Scott says 

Go I can take care of her. Brett says as they put her on Deaton's table. Aurora told Scott her address as he and Stile headed to her place. Deaton comes in with a needle and thread. 

We need to close the wound so you don't keep losing blood till you can heal. Deaton says. 

I won't be able to heal the wound since it was inflicted with vervain, causing it to also burn. At least not until the effects of the lobelia flower were off. Aurora says.

How did one stab cause you to be infected? Deaton asks 

The Stake was coated with it, and he kept the stake inside of my stomach for a good amount of time causing the mixture to mix with my blood. The Vervain just burns but the Lobelia flower's effects have already been put in my bloodstream. Aurora explains as her head begins to hurt.

I'm going to stich your opening ok. Deaton asks getting a nod of confirmation from Aurora who was now in a state that left her unable to focus on forming a sentence. Deaton lifts Aurora's shirt seeing the stab wound with a burn around it as he begins to thread the needle through her skin. Brett watching the process grabs her hand and begins taking her pain away again getting a small smile from Aurora. 

Scott arrived at the clinic a little while later. He had told them they had gotten Garrett but he wouldn't tell them where Liam is till they let Violet go.

If you give me some time, I will be able to cast a locator spell. I just need you to buy me time. Aurora says looking at Scott. 

What do you need for the spell? Scott asks. 

A map, a knife, and animal blood. Aurora says, getting a look from Brett when she says animal blood. 

Why animal blood, you didn't need animal blood last time. Scott says 

Scott, I'm hungry. Aurora says it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Ok, Will get you a map, a knife, and animal blood. Scott says before Deaton comes in handing Aurora a bag of blood. 

It's blood from a wolf. Deaton says causing Scott and Brett to share a look. 

Not werewolf blood right, their blood does not taste good. No offense guy. Aurora says as Deaton laughs a bit and Scott and Brett take a step back from her.

No just regular wolf blood. One less thing for Scott to get. Deaton says. 

Ok, so a map and a knife. Scott says  

Couldn't you use one of the scalpels in the drawers? Brett asks getting a nod from Aurora who was asking Deaton for a cup. 

Ok, a map. Scott says. Where would I get a map, people don't use maps anymore. He asks

My place has a bunch of maps and I'm pretty sure Stiles has a map in his Jeep. Aurora says.  Scott nods and runs out to get a map while Deaton brings Aurora a cup to pour the blood in. 

You can look away or leave if the sight or smell of blood makes you uncontrollable. Aurora says as she begins to drink the blood. 

No, it's not that. Satomi says vampires drink human blood, I'm just wondering why you are drinking animal blood. Is it a taste preference or something? Brett asks curiously.

No animal blood doesn't taste that good I just have to get used to it. It's a personal choice to not drink from a human since when I get a taste of Human Blood it's hard to control my thirst for it. Aurora explains. Satomi knows I don't drink human blood anymore that's why we became friends back then she just doesn't know why. Aurora adds.

How old exactly are you? Brett ask

Wow, you and Stiles really need to learn what questions are appropriate to ask a woman. Aurora says teasingly. 

I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you. Brett Stutters out causing Aurora and Deaton who's been listing to laugh. Scott comes running in with a map. Aurora sets the cup of blood down a grabs a scalp from Deaton's drawer. Aurora rolls the map open and cuts her hand dropping blood onto the map.

Faire á voir lá re. Aurora chants as the blood moves to where the location of Liam is. Scott seeing the location takes a picture before he begins to run to the spot. Aurora downs the rest of her drink before grabbing the map and her keys. Saying a quick goodbye to Deaton she and Brett make their way to her car speeding to the location of Liam. 

Aurora parked the car on the outskirts of the woods and waited for Scott to come back with Liam as he texted her he got him. A few minutes later Scott opens Aurora's car door and dumps Liam in the back saying he has something he needs to take care of. Aurora leaves with an injured Liam and a quiet Brett back to Deatons. As Aurora drives she feels like she is being watched as she looks out the rearview mirror she sees a figure dressed in black watching as her car drives off. 

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Don't really like this chapter, Aurora didn't really do much due to being poisoned and stabbed 

I don't own Teen Wolf only my Oc and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

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