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It's been a few days since the incident with Dimitri. Brett had left before Aurora or Liam woke up leaving a note saying something had happened and that they wouldn't hear from him for a while. Aurora is now sitting in Scott McCall's living room helping Liam with homework and answering any questions he has about the supernatural while Scott takes a call.

So the only way you walk in the sunlight is because of that ring you're always wearing. Liam asks pointing towards Aurora's daylight ring.

Yep, I made it myself, Aurora said showing Liam the ring.

And if you don't wear it, you burn in the sun not sparkle like the vampires in twilight. Liam asked still a little confused on the whole undead vampire thing, and that's not getting to when he asks questions on how she's both a witch and vampire.

I didn't know you watched Twilight, but yes I will burn into a pile of ash. Aurora said right when Scott walked in panicked. 

Kira found them. Scott says as he starts grabbing his helmet and keys. Come on. Scott says handing Liam an extra helmet.

I will follow you guys. Aurora said getting in her car ready to follow Scott's bike. 

Aurora, Scott, and Liam arrive at the animal clinic. When They went in Scott and Kira kissed, while Aurora went to Satomi and hugged her before hugging Brett. Brett and Aurora's hug was cut short when Lori pulled her brother away to hug Aurora herself. Aurora laughing hugged Lori back as Brett just stared at his sister with betrayal. 

Hi, Lori are you ok. Aurora says laughing a bit.

I'm fine, just a few cuts and bruises that will heal soon. Lori says still hugging Aurora. 

Ok, that's enough Lori. Brett says pulling his off his Girlfriend? He isn't exactly sure if they are boyfriend or girlfriend, maybe after they deal with the hunters he could talk to her about it.

Where going to need help? Scott says as he looks around at what's left of Satomi's pack. 

Scott had brought them to  Argent Arms International, to come up with a plan. He says they would be safe in there while they wait for Chris Argent. Aurora tries to walk through the door with the others only to be blocked out. 

Ugh. Aurora groans as she places her hand on the invisible barrier. 

Why can't you come in? Liam asks 

This isn't a public place. I need permission from the owner to be allowed in. Aurora explains as she hits the invisible barrier to show that she can't get through.

So who's the owner of this place? Lori asks looking towards Scott.

I can call him. Can you get permission through the phone? Scott asks as he takes out his phone.

Yeah, will Chris answer? Aurora asks as Scott puts the phone on speaker.

Hopefully. Scott says dialing the number. The phone rings a bit before being picked up.

~Hello, Scott now really isn't the best time. They hear Chris Argent say followed by gunshots 

~Hi sorry, I know you're busy but I have a friend who needs permission to come into Argent Arms International. Scott explains. There is no answer only a few more gunshots.

~Why are you there? Chris asks 

~When you come back I will explain. Scott says. Before he could say anything else Aurora grabbed the phone to speak with Chris herself.

~Hi this is Aurora, we met once before the night Liam had his first full moon and ran. Aurora says cutting Scott off before he can say anything.

~Yes, I remember. You can go in. Chris says 

~Thanks. Aurora says as the phone call ends.

Aurora handed the phone back to Scott before stepping inside the building. 

Sorry, you were taking too long. Aurora said sending Scott a small smile as Scott laughed a bit. 

So Liam had a bit of trouble on his first full moon? Brett says smirking towards an annoyed Liam. 

He doesn't have an anchor yet, so he loses control earlier. Scott explains 

What you're anchor? Lori asks Scott 

Lori don't ask such personal questions. Satomi says. 

Sorry. Lori says 

It's fine. We need to wait for Chris Argent to come back to form a plan so for now relax but stay alert. Scott says walking away with Kira.  Aurora walks around the building, Liam, Brett, and Lori following her around as the others sit and focus on healing a reserving their energy.

What are you doing? Lori asks 

Looking around and familiarized myself with the layout of this place. Aurora says before heading towards the front entrance again. You should rest, you had a rough night. Aurora said towards Lori and Brett. 

We're fine. Brett says looking down at Aurora with a small smile. Aurora smiles back at him before turning her attention to the entrance as she hears something. The others must have heard it too because they got up. Aurora grabbed Liam, and Lori pulled them to the side as Brett went over to Satomi. Aurora quickly left Liam and Lori hiding before going to find Scott. 

Chris Argent walks into   Argent Arms International and places yellow wolfsbane in a hidden safe in the wall before raising his gun. Satomi throws a metal spike near Chris, it landing in the wall behind him. Brett comes forward but before anything could happen Scott comes in shouting at them to stop with Kira and Aurora behind him.

While the other talk Aurora again walked around the building looking for all the places the "hunters" could come in from. 

Walking back to the group Aurora sees Argent getting motion sensors out.

We need to buy time for Lydia. Scott says to Aurora as soon as he sees her. 

So where bring the hunters here? Aurora asks getting a nod from Scott.

OK, what do we need to do? Aurora asks 

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I'm so sorry, I wanted to post this yesterday but didn't get the chance. I am breaking the Monstrous episode into 2 parts since a lot happens in the episode. So next chapter will be the fighting part. 

I'm also working on a playlist for this book, so if you have any song recommendations please feel free to comment on them. 

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

Thank you for reading

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