The Full Moon

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Aurora was sitting in Scott's room tied up, watching the two friends bicker about her for the past couple of minutes. Aurora snapped her fingers and the ropes fell to the ground as she stood up taking the the towel out of her mouth and fixing her clothes and ring. 

As much fun, as I had watching you two. Liam is tied up in the bathroom. Aurora said looking towards the bathroom door.

Liam is What! Stiles yells looking at Scott

I panicked! Scott yelled back

And Scott also bit him. Aurora says adding more fuel to the fire. 

Scott did What? Stiles yells again 

Aurora stood in Scott's room, looking at her manicure not paying attention to what the two boys were saying or doing to Liam. She was brought out of her thoughts when Liam attacked both Scott and Stiles. He came and grabbed her arm pulling her out of the house.

Come on we need to get out of here. Liam said dragging Aurora out of Scott's house. 

My car is still at the Hospital. Nevermind. Aurora said as they made it out of the house to see her car on the side of the road. Do you need a ride? Aurora asked Liam as she got in her car turning the keys. 

Yeah, thanks. Liam said as he got into the passenger seat. Before Aurora drove off.

Aurora arrived at school the next day fully planning to either stay away from Scott and his friend's, in the worst case transfer out and get the hell out of Beacon Hills. As Aurora walked to her locker she saw Liam get cornered by Scott so she listened in on their conversation. 

Liam, we are brothers now. Scott says 

What? Liam says back looking confused. 

Oh, God, that's. Stiles looks like he wants to be anywhere but there. 

What are you talking about we just met and you bit me. Liam says loudly. If you didn't know the context what he said sounded so kinky. Aurora thought. 

The bite. The bite is a gift. Scott continued not helping the situation. 

Scott, Stop, please. We are trying to help you, you little runt. Stiles says definitely not helping the situation. 

By kidnapping me and Aurora. Liam says bringer Aurora into this now. 

Just to clarify, Scott kidnapped you two. Stiles says defensively. 

Aurora stopped listening and went to her first class. As she walked into the class she made eye contact with Scott and Stiles. 

Aurora was putting her stuff in her locker when she heard someone clear their throat. Turning around she saw the red-haired girl that was with Scott. 

Hello, I'm Lydia. Lydia says putting her hand out to shake. Aurora grabs her hand shaking. Aurora. She says. 

So I'm having a party, and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Lydia asked her heart skipping a beat telling Aurora that she was either lying or not telling the whole truth.  

Sure here's my number text me the information. Aurora said handing Lydia her contact information and deciding to play along with whatever Scott's pack wanted to do. Lydia smiled before walking away. Aurora walked outside to meet with Mason and Liam. Only to see Mason by himself. 

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