Valentine Special

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*One-shots of "The Heretic" Valentine Specials (Some take place in the Future and the one-shots do not interfere with the plot) 

Valentine's Day Gift 

Brett had a dilemma. It was almost Valentine's Day and he had no clue what to get for Aurora. So he went to the only person he could think of to help him.

Satomi, I have a problem. Brett says as he walks into the kitchen where Satomi is sitting drinking tea with Lori. 

What's the problem, Brett? Satomi asks in her mother-like tone.

I don't know what to get Aurora for Valentine's Day. Brett says as he takes a seat.

What about Flowers? Lori says looking at her brother

Maybe. Brett starts

If you get her flowers make sure you don't get her roses. Satomi says cutting Brett off.

Why? Both the Talbot siblings ask 

That's not my place to answer. Satomi says getting up.

Though she does like chocolate-covered Strawberries. Satomi says before leaving.

Brett was now standing outside Aurora's house. In hand, he has a box of chocolate-covered strawberries and a bouquet of Peonies. He had asked a florist about different types of flowers to give to a significant other that weren't roses and the florist had recommended Peonies. With a ring of the doorbell, Brett waited for Aurora. 

Happy Valentine's Day! Brett said as soon as Aurora opened the door. Aurora stood at the door shocked but soon a gigantic smile made its way onto her face, as she pulled Brett into a hug. 

Thank you. Aurora said burying her face in Brett's neck. 

I got you Peonies since Satomi said you don't like roses. The florist said it's a hit for those who don't like roses. Brett said handing Aurora the bouquet as soon as she let go of him. 

I love them. Did you know Peonies symbolize Romance, Happiness, and good fortune? Aurora says causing Brett to blink in surprise.

No, I didn't know that. Satomi also said you liked chocolate-covered strawberries. Brett said laughing a bit.

Well, now you do. Come in I also have a surprise for you. Aurora said pulling Brett into her house with a big smile on her face. 

To say Brett's Valentine was successful would be an understatement. He was truly happy with how much Aurora had loved his gifts. To even put a spell on the flowers so they won't die. Brett and Aurora spent the rest of Valentine's Day together in each other's presence. 

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