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Aurora sat in her dining room reading a book, and Satomi drank her tea. The others were still asleep since it was still pretty early in the morning. 

Do you think you can drive Brett and Lori to school today? Satomi asks placing her tea down.

Sure, I can also pick them up if you want. Aurora says placing her bookmark in and placing down her book. 

That would be great thank you. Satomi says as Lori comes walking down the stairs. 

Good Morning. Lori says yawning.

Moring. Aurora and Satomi say at the same time.

Since Brett's car is still damaged, Aurora has agreed to pick up and drop you off at school. Is that ok? Satomi asks.

That works. Lori says as Aurora's phone starts to ring.

I will be right back. Aurora says walking away and answering the phone. 

Yes, Liam. Aurora asks 

Hey, umm. Are you um busy right now? Liam asks. Aurora could hear that Liam's voice sounded on edge. 

Liam what's wrong? Aurora asks worried. 

It's just a nightmare. Liam says 

OK, is there something you need Liam? Aurora asks 

Yeah, um. Do you think you can take me to school today? Liam asks 

Yeah, that's fine. I just need to take Brett and Lori then I will swing by and pick you up. Ok. Aurora says 

Yeah, that works thanks. Liam says 

No problem, see you in a bit. Aurora says hanging up.


Aurora had just dropped Brett and Lori at their school and was on her way to pick Liam up. She parks in front of Liam's house and she sends him a quick text telling him she's outside. Liam comes running out with his backpack and Lacrosse gear a few minutes later. Liam puts his gear in the back before sitting in the front. 

Are you good? Aurora asks as she takes off towards the school. 

Yeah, just didn't get good sleep and was stressed about the upcoming game. Liam says.

Ok, I'm sure you guys are going to do great. Aurora says encouraging. Who are you guys playing again? Aurora asks

Your boyfriend. Liam says 

Oh. I'm sure you'll be fine. Aurora says  awkwardly

Yeah, right. Liam says turning the music on and looking outside the window as they continue their ride to school.


As soon as they arrived at school Liam went straight to the weight room with Mason. Aurora was left alone as she sat in the library on her phone as she texted Brett. 

Aurora was telling Brett about how worried she is about Liam, and how she thinks the whole situation is messing with Liam. Despite Brett's obvious dislike for Liam he still tries to be supportive. Keyword tries. Brett had sent a message trying to be helpful but was anything but that.

Aurora slams down her phone after reading Brett's message, causing others to look in her direction. 

Sorry. Aurora says before quickly leaving the library for her class. The only on her mind is how stupid her boyfriend was to even suggest that.


Aurora sat on the bleachers as she watched Devenford Prep kick Beacon Hills' ass in the lacrosse game. Scott and Kira are nowhere, and neither Stiles nor Aurora has been able to get in touch with them. Aurora watched as Devenford Prep scored another goal. She didn't know who to cheer for. Her boyfriend, or her school and friends. 

Aurora and Stiles make eye contact both very confused about Scott and Kira, when the crowd makes a noise causing Aurora to look at the field again seeing Brett talking to Liam who is on the ground. 

Aurora scrunched up her face and was going to listen in on the conversation before Liam got up and the game began again. 


Aurora wasn't able to stay after the game since Stiles had dragged her away, to look for Scott and Kira. When they arrived at Derek's Loft they saw the place was completely trashed. 

What the hell happened? Stiles asks looking around. Aurora went and started picking things up looking for clues.

It was supposed to be a date... Derek starts.

Doesn't look like a date. Aurora says looking at the claw marks 

And they were both here? Sheriff Stilinski asks 

And they're both gone. Breaden says walking towards Aurora and looking at the claw marks. Stiles phone then rings. He turns it showing Lydia was calling.

Hey... Stiles says before Lydia cuts him off.

Scott's been taken. Lydia says quickly

Scott and Kira. We don't know where. Stiles says 

Mexico. Deaton says over the phone. And if you want to save him that's where you're going too. Deaton counties. before hanging up.

Why the hell would he be in Mexico? Aurora asks looking at Stiles, who refuses to make eye contact.

Stiles why would Scott and Kira be in Mexico? Aurora asks again.

It's a long story. Stiles says.

Well, Mexico is a long drive. Aurora says grabbing her phone to text Satomi that she is going on a trip. 


This is late and it sucks, but only one more chapter till the end of season 4. I will leave it to you're imagination what "Helpful" Message Brett sent Aurora. 

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

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