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Now tell me the real reason, you wanted me to stay. Aurora asks, as her a Deaton stare at each other.

Follow me. Deaton says leading Aurora into a room.

OK, now ask away. Aurora says looking at the pictures on the walls.

How old are you? Deaton asks while Aurora signs.

Ask Stiles.

Ok, how many people have you eaten? 

I don't eat people anymore. 

Ok, but you used to. 

Yeah. but that was a very long time ago. If all your questions are going to be like this I'm going to go and you can just ask Stiles for his list. Aurora says walking towards the door. 

You wrote a book on the supernatural. Deaton says making Aurora stop in her tracks 

So. Aurora says turning towards Deaton 

The Nogitsune. Deaton starts 

What about the Nogitsune? 

How did you encounter it? Deaton asks 

It was during the 1940s, I was traveling when I felt a dark magic. I followed the magic to a camp during the war. There the Nogitsune possessed a dead man and was killing everyone. I helped a werewolf and a celestial kitsune neutralize it. Aurora says 

The werewolf and the kitsune do you remember them?

I do, but it's been so long we didn't keep in touch. Aurora explains. I'm guessing you had a similar experience if you're asking about how I know about the Nogitsune. Aurora asks getting a nod from Deaton. 

Any other questions? Aurora asks, but before Deaton could answer they heard the clinic door open. 

Hello, is anyone here? We were told that my brother was almost killed and was brought here by an old man. The voice that belonged to Lori called out. Deaton left the room to greet them. 

Hello, yes he is currently sleeping right now if you would like to wait. Deaton says walking up to Lori. Aurora stood in the doorway away from them.

Aurora Hamilton, it has been so long and you have not aged a day. Aurora heard the voice of an older woman.

I'm sorry do I know you? Aurora asked trying to find the older woman. who comes out from behind Lori. Who was now waving high at Aurora?

Hi, Aurora, I guess you know about what's going on. Lori says getting a nod from Aurora 

How do you know Satomi? Lori asked again

Satomi. Aurora says the familiar name as she stares at the older woman. 

It had been so long Aurora. How have you been? Satomi asks 

I've been good. I see you have a little pack for yourself, how have you been? Aurora asked 

Good, can you please tell me, why my pack has been attacked? Satomi asked as she moved to stand by Brett. 

There's a Deadpool with the supernatural on it, hunters, and assassins from all others are coming to get the money. Aurora explained 

How much is Brett for? Lori asked concerned for her brother.

I'm not sure but I can ask. Aurora says getting a nod from Lori. 

It's not safe for him to come back home, till this situation gets solved. Satomi says running her hand through Brett's hair. 

It's not safe for any of you to go back. Aurora said. Bett started to move. 

He should be waking up soon, let's give him some space, we don't know how he will react. Deaton says as we all take a few steps back if he wakes up angry. Brett wakes up with a start, his eyes glowing yellow as he takes in his surroundings. 

Satomi, Lori where are we? Brett ask

How much do you remember Brett? Deaton asks 

I was at the game and I got hurt. Brett said looking at Deaton

What's going on? Brett asks his eyes finding Aurora 

There's a Deadpool for the supernatural. You were on it Garrett and Violet were assassins and tried to kill you. Aurora says as Lori goes a takes Brett's hand. 

Who else is on it? He asks still looking at Aurora who was looking towards Deaton. Satomi looked at Brett and then towards Aurora a small knowing smile made away on her face. 

All of you guys are most likely on it. Deaton says 

So what are we going to do it's not safe for us. Lori says

Scott's working on a plan right now to find who made this Deadpool. Aurora says 

We should get going to prepare in case a hunter or assassin comes for us. Is Brett ok to come with us or should he stay? Satomi says 

He should be fine, he might just be a bit weak for a while. Deaton says

I can drive you if you need Satomi. Aurora offered 

It's fine we have a ride. Satomi says smiling at her old friend.

Alright bye and thank you for your help. Contact us if you need anything. It was good seeing you again Rory. Satomi says squeezing Aurora's arm before getting into the car. 

Bye, Aurora hope to get to see you again. Lori says getting into the car. 

Thank you for saving me. Brett says looking at Aroura 

It's all well, just glad you didn't die. Aurora says 

That would have been unfortunate. Brett says smiling 

Anyway, you should get going, don't want to keep Satomi or you're sister waiting. Aurora says. 

Right, by the way, how exactly do you know Satomi? Brett asks before Lori hits the car horn signaling him to hurry up.

 That's a story for another time, you should go. Aurora says laughing at Lori's antics. Brett waves goodbye as he gets in the car. The car leaves as Aurora heads back into the clinic.

You should head home, and keep your phone close in case Scott or the others need to contact you. Deaton says.

Bye. Aurora says leaving the clinic and heading home.

Aurora lays awake in bed as she gets a message from Scott.

Liam's missing.

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Not my best work, but enjoy the update

I don't own Teen Wolf only my OC and their plot

All Teen Wolf rights go to Jeff Davis

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